May 09, 2004 16:05 I know I haven't updated in a while...not sure if I have since Vegas. In case I haven't...Vegas was fun. :) GOod times had by Jason and I and we got back okay. Got stuck in CHicago...otherwise good.
On to the reason for the subject line. Yes, ladies and gentlemen I am the smart one. Yesterday I got locked in my back yard. You see, we have locks on our two privacy fence gates and my garage is locked...and the screen door into my house decided to be stupid and jam...locking me my pajamas....with my highly annoying new dog Maggie. Luckily I had taken my cell phone outside with me so I called my mom and she was going to come unlock my house and let me in. After jiggling the door for a while I decided to kick the metal part. This got the door unstuck and I got in the house. I then decided to kick off my shoes....and I decided to kick the metal part of my door from the inside (because it was dented in) and when I foot slipped and went into the glass part. It, of course, shattered and cut my foot in a few places. an evening in the emergency room I have 5 stitches in my foot and am on crutches because I cut the bottom of my foot. Like I said...I am the smart one. Anyway, I'm doing alright, I'm off work until Tuesday.
Anyway, I'm at my mom's I needa go...but hope everyone else is doing well. Happy belated Birthday John!!!