Fic Searching

Apr 13, 2006 20:47

Hey y'all!

I'm kind of sick of Harry/Draco being out of character, even in my own writing. So I'm looking for fics where they hate each other. So basically, it's not slash at all. It's hating. Evil!Horrible!Loathsome!Draco. That's what I need, because I'm sick of Draco being wrenched out of character and slammed into a useless bumbling dickhead, or a cutsey little femme!boy. Usually I love it, usually I find oblvious!Harry and coniving!Draco quite amusing...but I just need a break.

So any fics where Harry and Draco loathe each other, and/or Draco is a deatheater who wants Harry six-feet-under, or a Harry seeing Draco in Azkaban and not feeling sorry for him, would be hugely apprecitated,. Come to think of it, I don't think I would mind rape at this point in time. So, fics featuring rape!sex would be okay.

When I read that over I seem kind of agro, I'm not, just need to get back into the mode of cannon...because without that all other H/D fics don't seem as...plausible interesting.

Cheers, you sexy Harry/Draconians,


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