Title: Jelousy: PART IV
Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: No they are not mine. I am not mass producing fanfiction. I am not making squillions. Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy remain soley the property of J.K Rowling. Lucky B****. Just kidding, I love you, Your Royal Highness.
Summary: Harry is flying, Draco might just stay and watch.
Set: Seventh Year, Hogwarts Quidditch Stadium
rurounihime Authors Notes: DUDES! We might just be gettin' some H/D interaction!
Jealousy: PART I Jealousy: PART II Jealousy: PART III Draco watched Potter fly around the stadium.
He was on his own.
Round and round. Occasionally the Gryffindor would suddenly dip sharply. Draco couldn’t help but have a collision of stomach twists whenever he did that. Firstly, because he knew, no matter how much he trained, no matter how many pro Quidditch players coached him in the holidays…he would never be able to do those quick feints with such skill and finesse. And secondly? He didn’t want to see the moron fall.
Every time he shot into one of his plunges, the boy would streak along the ground for a few moments and then rocket skywards to continue his tirade around and around the stadium.
Draco was sitting down, underneath the bleachers at the Slytherin end of the pitch. His long legs were crushed under him, and he could feel a cramp coming on just above his left knee. But he didn’t want to leave. He wanted to stay and watch Potter fly.
The Gryffindor had switched drills and was now practicing the Princeyards Pull. This was an American version of the Wronski Feint and Draco had seen it when Ray Stevenson had visited the manor during the summer. But it wasn’t exactly the same as the Feint. Instead of plummeting to earth then swooping straight up again, the Pull attempted to stop the player in mid air. Though this was nearly impossible, many American players had modified it so instead of stopping, they just pulled out of the dive and streaked off just above the ground. Unlike the Feint though, the Pull attempted to ‘rip’ the player around in jagged movements as the Seeker wound his way back towards the sky.
As Draco watched Potter climb higher and higher into the air, he noticed how the Gryffindor was sitting astride his broom. Flatter, as if he were pushing into it. Draco was still musing Potter’s seating when the broom suddenly dropped from the air. He gave a start and an exclamation. Potter maneuvered his broom so that he was diving vertically and his left hand was outstretched, as if to catch a Snitch.
There was a scream of delight from across the stands and Draco looked over, annoyed, at the offending person. Ginny Weasley was sprinting down the stairs of the Gryffindor stand. Her red hair streamed out behind her and she was dressed in the shortest of shorts and a cut-off shirt.
Draco looked back over at Potter. Dammit! Motherfucker, curseallthosemiserablegodforsakenWeasleys.
Potter had dismounted.
Draco hissed a curse aloud at having missed Potter’s Pull. Ginny was still running across the pitch towards Potter, a sheaf of parchment in her arms. Potter was gingerly walking towards her (the Princeyards Pull had a definite disadvantage to the male population), a grin on his face.
I hope she fucking drops them, thought Draco as he stood and stretched, ducking back out from underneath the bleachers. He turned towards the castle and began to slowly make his way up the grassy hill, his wand flipping easily against his fingers. A scream of disappointment echoed behind him as someone dropped a bundle of papers, and Draco smiled as he slipped his wand back into his pocket.
Author's Notes: You know what's driving me crazy? Having to post little snippets...so I've decided I'll post two or three PARTS at a time. Is that cool? It's just that it would make this story flow so much easier and people won't have to remember what was in the last section. And considering each bit is only about three to eight hundred words...
Said nexxxxxt bits...Jealousy: PART V, PART VI