Stage Breakup - Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy - PG-13

Dec 13, 2005 11:18

Title: Stage Breakup

Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: Actually, yes, I am JK Rowling and I'm wasting my time posting fics on the internet. *guh* No, I lied. Really. Apart from the fact that Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter have currently taken up board inside my brain...I do not own them. Only the sordid little affairs they partake in. Even then, I don't own them completely. Holy dooly, this is making me quite depressed.

Summary: Two Ravenclaw Fifth years discuss the situation between Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy...

Set: Seventh Year, A classroom with a cupboard.

Beta: blueeyedsnidget

Authors Notes: Just me wondering how the rest of the school would respond to their breakup if it was already public knowledge. I really liked this one *grins*.

“Did you hear about Harry and Malfoy?”


“They broke up.”


“I know. It happened last night apparently.”

“You’ve got to be kidding!”

“Nope. It was Malfoy.”

“What do you mean?”

“It was Malfoy who ended it.”

“For real?”

“Yup, said he just didn’t want to be together anymore.”


“Aaand, I’ve heard he’s found someone else…already.”


“I don’t know their name. But seriously, he dumped Harry fucking Potter! Who does that?”

“Malfoy. Clearly.”

“Shut up. But still, I didn’t notice anything wrong.”

“Well, they’re not the type to go holding hands in the halls are they?”

“Hmmm, I guess not. But everyone knew they were shagging. Apparently Gryffindor Tower shook.”

“I can believe it! Wow, that’s unreal. They’ve been together for ages though. Like, months.”


“Nine what?”

“Months you idiot.”

“Oh, well. How did Harry take it?”

“Well, I saw him at breakfast. With Ron-

“You don’t think…!”

“What? No! With Ron, as in walking.”

“Were they close?”

“Oh for Rowena’s sake! Just shut up. They were walking down the entrance staircase. And…and…”

“And what?”


“What the bloody fuck do you mean nothing?”

“Nothing. Harry looked exactly the same as always.”

“And what’s that like?”

“Incredibly hot and extremely shaggable.”


“And him and Ron were talking like nothing had happened.

“He wasn’t crying?”


“Didn’t look remotely sad?”


“What about red, puffy eyes?”

“No! Nothing. He looked just like Harry always does.”

“Did Ron seem extra happy?”


“Well…maybe Harry and him-

“Oh for fucks sake! No!”

“Sor-ry. Just wondering, that’s all.”

“Well no. Who do you suppose is Malfoy’s new lay?”

“Merlin, you are so crude.”

“Am not.”

“You are. What about Zabini?”

“Hey yeah! Blaise!”

“Are you on first name terms with all the seventh years are you?”

“Well, no. But-

“What if Malfoy’s turned straight?”

*both crack up laughing*

“Okay, so maybe that was a bit unrealistic. But-

“No, it’s a possibility. Potter’s not exactly feminine.”

“Hey! Did you hear that?”

“Hear what?”

“That scuffling!”

“What scuffling?”


“That scuffling!”

“Fuck! Let’s go!”


*On other side of wall*

“Shut up Malfoy.”

“D-did you hear that?!”

“Yes, I bloody well did.

“Potter’s not exactly feminine!”

“Well, I’m not!”

“And you and the Weasel?”

“Oh come off it! The kid’s a moron!”

“Well obviously. Since when have I dumped…what was it? Harry fucking Potter?”

“Shut up,”

“It sounds like ‘Harry’ is doing unspeakable things to ‘Potter’.”

“Stop laughing! People will hear us!”

“They can’t Harry! We don’t exist together remember?”

“Do you think everyone thinks that?”

“Well, if two un-named sodding fifth year Ravenclaws think it…

“Where could it have come from do you reckon?”

“No idea. Now, look. We’ve squeezed into this tiny little box of a room for a reason remember Potter?”

“What? Oh yeah,”

“Oh yeah? You are blessed by being in a tiny little shrimp of a cupboard with me…and all you can say is oh yeah?”



“Shut up Potter, and put your hand…yesss”


Let me know what you think. Was it confusing? I like the thought of the Great Harry Potter and the Great Draco Malfoy being the subject of other people's discussions...together. *grins*

I LOVE MY SHIP! In the name of H/D leave a comment!

How very patriotic of me...

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