May 20, 2005 18:51
How do you tell her her boyfriend cheats?
How do you go on knowing you have a great guy, but he is so far away?
How do you live without being yourself?
How do you continue to eat when you know you need to stop?
How do you let yourself down everyday?
How do you still find time to ruin your own life?
How do you not do better in school?
How do you let someone know they hurt you when they hurt themselves?
How do you stop being soft and get hard and strong?
How do you let him know he is using you and you want him to stop?
How do you stop putting yourself in that situation?
How do you continue to watch Spongebob even though you are turning 17 in a month?
How do you still love all the little kid things?
How do you stay the way you are?
How do you tell her to shut her face and listen?
How do you solve all of your other problems?
This is how. Stop. Listen. Tell her. Tell yourself. Be calm. become a toaist. and give up meat. You have to. There is no way you can solve all your problems. Let Me come out. I need to be me.