I don't know where i have been...again....

Feb 11, 2005 17:47

So i haven't updated in a snap and a half but life has been kinda hectic.

Being sick sucks, and being a girl can suck too...whatever i'll deal. This week allwoed a few more letdowns on grades, but the friend portion of life has been pretty good. Nobody has been mad at me, but i guess that is because Megan doesn't like to talk to me anymore.

Gymnastics sucks. My coach is frusterated with me and i am frusterated with her, it is not a good relationship. My gym also piulled all the girls, including me out of two meets for bogus reasons, and then they let only they're favorite compete. My mom got frusterated at this and went and talked to them, which resulted in me having to talk to them about how i can improve my motivation and such. It was a rather awkward talk.

I hope school and life are going well for all ya crazy kids.

What has made me laugh lately...
Catwalk, modified baywatch, jessica and sarah, rashad, kookiness, hypurr, caro emily war, axmurdrrXcon

Peace out, i love y'all!
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