I just found out that my very bestest friend in the whole world, (next to my hubby and mommy!) seshat2511 got selected not once, but TWICE! for her stories for the Yaoicon Anthology! you gotta look for her under Cat Kane. Not only did she get two stories into the anthology, but she's got several more stories that Torquere liked and one that is not only in Ebook, but also going for publication into a book you can hold and take anywhere to read! She is THAT kick ass awesome. If i didn't love her so much, i'd have a serious complex hangin' out with this talented writer, as it is, i'm just fortunate that she likes me too and eats my cooking! *laughs*
So go forth and enjoy her stuff! I know i will! plus if you click on her name above it takes you to her site where she has stories there to read too!
So what are you waiting for huh? an engraved invite! well this is it! *laughs*
and now back to your regulararly scheduled programming!