So, with the my college semester finally winding down, I think I’m ready to start to start that RP that I’ve been talking about for the past two months. Now, in order to get the appropriate feel for the setting and characters of the strip, I’ll assume you’ve already read the 32-page first-draft fantasy story I posted here
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Race: Construct/servant of townspeople of Elia/ gaurdian of cannibus fields/ under juristiction of demi Raicon, god of relaxing substances.
Gender: Hajj looks more like a male, however is asexual, being a conjugation of smoke and magical essences.
Physcial Description: Hajj is about 7 feet tall, wide, and buff, with a small belly of course. He looks to be kind of half man half elephant. (like an elephant tauren) His skin is grey and clammy like that of an elephant, and his head is an elephants head, with two tusks, one half splintered. He has thick shoulder length dreadlocks upon his head. He wears several gold rings on his large flappy ears, and gold chains at his neck. He has large three fingered hands and two toed feet.
Personality: Hajj takes on the personality characteristics of the crop he gaurds, so cannibus. Thus, always mild mannered, never acts up, jolly.
Equipment: Hajj wears nothing but cermemonial red and orange cloth/silk garbs, as well as loose untied boots. He carries a broadblade shortsword hanging on his belt behind him. In additon the many satchels on his belt caryy his crop, and tools to tap into it.
Magic: Raicon santioned Hajj to use two weapons, one for each tier of power. See powers.
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