Home again

Jul 23, 2006 19:47

Just got home from the con. Tired, yes! Sore feet, yes and yes! Many good memories, YES!

Probably the best thing about the con was so being able to spend time with moonlightnrain (I'm still not use to the name, I had to go look it up). I've really missed you around here and thank you again for showing me your work. It was, as always, a delight to read.

A quick list of other goings on (in no particular order):

- got season one of The Venture Bros signed by Jackson and Doc. If you haven't watched this show you need to.
- saw part of the pilot for Heroes before ducking out to head to another panel. What I saw was enough to tell me that it will be worth seeing the rest of the pilot.
- met chaodai. Let me tell you this was one of the best moments of the convention. I admire his work both on the small screen and in comics. Thank you for taking the time to speak with us. I look forward to reading vol. 2 of The Middleman and watching your new small screen endeavor.
- BSG panel rocked. ad slogan for season 3 - "Don't Watch, It's just too dark." Can't Wait!!!!
- witnessed Rachel Blake's interruption of The Lost panel. It was a fun way to start our second day.
- I was interviewed by ABC to potentially be used in an upcoming Lost video podcast. Much fun was had answering their questions.
- saw the re-edited beginning of Superman II - it was everything it should have been originally.
- got to meet ideaspace (after reading his lj for several years?) and fuzzy_queen (I'm adding you after I finish posting this) and support Team Oz buy purchasing the entire Dorothy saga so far. Two chapters in and I love it. The graphics are remarkable and the writing is witty and real.
- met one of the last surviving munchkins (there are only 8 still alive).
- watched my first masquerade. Congrats to PDQ Pirates on your win. Your presentation was delightful.
- saw the pilot for Jericho. Not sure what to make of this. I don't know if they will be able to sustain the story in a way that will make it compelling enough to keep me interested.
- 4400 was a great panel, I wish they had had more time. All I can say about this is that the USA network really needs to get its act together and throw its full support behind this show.

We pre-registered for next years con on our way out today. Next year we will be going the full span of dates (and hopefully staying close enough to walk to the convention center). I may have even been convinced by several of my friends to attend in costume on one day (if I can figure out a suitable costume).

Now I am off to rest . Please pardon and typos and other unedited mistakes. I am too tired to really think properly.

comiccon, writing

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