Nov 02, 2006 17:48
The Visual Impact Products Random Customer Generator
Roll 3d20 and consult the following table, ignoring duplicate results:
1 Team
2 Sport(s)
3 Athletic(s)
4 Zone
5 Coach
6 Corner
7 Sport event (home run, touchdown, etc.)
8 Name of town
9 Generic white guy's name
10 Center
11 Pro
12 League
13 Award
14 Trophy
15 Extreme
16 Screen
17 Embroidery
18 Design
19 Game
20 World
For example, if I rolled 1, 2, and 11, my random customer is Team Sport Pro, which is a little place in Glenview, Illinois.
Arrange your results to your own personal taste.
(I hate days like this. Even after putting in overtime, I have a whole day's work staring at me as though I never showed up today. Tomorrow promises to be more of the same. Calgon, take me away.)