Final Fantasy V

Jan 01, 2009 14:59

I think I've never played a JRPG more annoying than this one game. If you can name one more so than this game, I'm all ears:

Final Fantasy V

I don't have a problem with the job system, it's quite simple and quick compared to the laborious beast that is Final Fantasy Tactics. And trust me, I've played both the Playstation and PSP versions of FFT to spend so many hours on job points. It's as evil as solitaire.
No, my problem is with one thing and one thing only:

The game never tells you what to do or where to go! So you get stuck somewhere almost constantly.

This isn't a problem in Adventure games as in those games you know hard puzzles are going to be everywhere. Platform games require you to explore every nook and cranny.
But this is a JRPG! And a early one at that.
In most RPGs, you come upon a town, and the town folk say a few things that they repeat over and over. Usually these are hints about what to do, where to go, and what to expect in the future parts of the game. Other times they give you items or spout useless info.

Now in FFV, rate the useless info the villagers spout by tenfold. This means you can spend tons of hours hoping you might trigger some event in any location just to get the story going.
Example: Nobody told me or gave a hint about actually reaching Moore Village, but they knew where it was. But I already knew that by exploring around. So no "There might be old tunnels/dead ends under the ocean.", nothing of the sort. This is FFV, after all.

I didn't have this problem in Final Fantasy I, II, IV, VII, IX, X, or XII. So it's either me or I think Final Fantasy V's world and game flow was badly designed.

The other slight problem is the monster/boss levels. They jump around a lot and are unbalanced, so be prepared to watch the title screen many times like I have. I'm around level 33 and didn't have problems fighting any monster. The new boss I'm facing according to an online FAQ is at level 77...
Yeah, back to more level grinding.
Then there's the super rare monsters you run into. Instead of being part of a sidequest, these guys can show up any time and obliterate your party if you didn't know one was supposed to be there in the first place.

Then again the game has it's charms. I'm hoping to find the final piano to play, I like the werewolf clan, the pirates, Gilgamesh's character and so on. I also don't understand why people hate Bartz so much after playing the game for so long. I never found him as annoying as Tidus or Squall were.

I'm still not done with the game yet, but I'm almost to world three and hopefully to what's considered the toughest Final Fantasy end boss of all time. So frustrating...

It's like I'm playing Jak II in RPG form. I just haven't reached the zen of playing FFV yet.

rant, video games

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