Project Info Entry

Aug 09, 2015 17:07

This list is to remind me of what I'm doing and what I'm up to.

Art Projects
Rage CCG Fanset illustration pieces:
Arcadia CCG illustration pieces:

Paper Mache Masks:
Hyena (Full Mask: Needs paper clay)
Eel (Not even started on yet)
Coyote (Not even started on yet)
Zuu (Half mask which covers head: Needs to be sanded down and painted)
Dragon (Giant elaborate mask: Needs cloth mache)

Halloween Projects:
Hyena Prop Paper Mache Prop (Needs cloth mache: Details not glued on yet)
Black Cat Prop (Needs cloth mache: Details glued on)
Four Zombie Arms Paper Mache Prop (Needs cloth mache: Details glued on)
Zombie Head Paper Mache Prop (Needs cloth mache: Details glued on)
Werewolf Paper Mache Prop (Haven't started on yet)

Non-Art Projects
Rage CCG Pack databases: DONE
Gave the files to paf to handle and finish off. The playtesting team is still handling the quirks of Sealed Decks in Lackey CCG for the Rage CCG.

W:tA Reference Databases
Status: Working on Changeling: the Dreaming and Werewolf: the Forsaken. Got a bunch of new oWOD books, so I'll be updating the Werewolf: the Apocalypse lists after that.

Translation project
Translating Italian into English.
Status: Haven't gotten the books yet.

Hyena's First Game FAQ
Not saying for what game this is for.
Status: 50% written in Notepad.

Cleaning out the Garage
Status: Need to find a place that will take the old furniture away.

Find someone to properly frame the animation cels I have
Four cels and production drawings from KO Century Beast
Cel of Ed: Lion King
Production Drawing and Cel of Shenzi: Lion King or Lion King 1/2
Outlaw Star spaceship cel and space background

projects, art

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