Will it ever stop?!?

Aug 05, 2008 08:45

I just read that JetBlue is going to start charging for pillows and blankets on their flights. Now I've noticed pillows and blankets disappearing from some of the flights I've been on but this just doesn't make sense. I don't like the baggage charge, but at least it makes some sort of sense. After all, it costs them money (in terms of fuel and giving up cargo space they could sell to USPS and others) to haul your stuff with you, so they make more money off you if they don't have to move your stuff as well. Annoying, but at least makes sense. Now selling these snack packs and sodas and the three peanuts that come in a bag and the pillow and blanket, that just doesn't make sense to me. Yes, they have to pay something to buy all this stuff, but considering the half a soda they give you costs like a dime, the most expensive portion of the soda is the cost of getting up to cruising altitude. And they have to pay that even if no one on the entire plan buys anything! Why not just add it into the cost of a ticket, averaged out over all the passengers? Especially now that everyone is charging for things. I would imagine that would be a pretty effective ad campaign, look we charge $5 more a ticket but we will go back to giving you the things we used to!
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