
May 17, 2005 08:24

It's been a while since I've done an update; so here it goes!

In the last 2 months, I have:
Found an advisor
Gotten my Masters
Gotten a summer job in Baltimore (woot!)
Made some progress in research (I think, maybe, possibly)
Rolled up a hill in neutral!
Been in 4 different states in 11 days
Completely moved out of my apartment and packed everything into storage
Decided on tuxes for my groomsmen (finally!)
Decided on a wedding present for Naomi (shhhh it's a secret!)
Finished the class I was teaching, which included a project, a paper, two tests and a final, in the last 2 months!
Been really disappointed with the student reviews I recieved :(
Taken two oral exams, one for my masters one for a class
Somehow managed to get a 4.0, which included one A I don't think I deserved, and one A from a prof who has a reputation of only giving A's to people who aren't interested in the area, which I am.

And that's it I think... maybe! :-) The next couple months are going to be even busier! It starts this weekend with my sisters regatta in Vancouver (WA, not BC) and next weekend with her graduation! (oy! I remember when she was born... soooo tiny! love ya sis!)
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