seriously. while shopping at avenue, a plus size store, i saw a display of jeans. designed and advertised by jessica simpson?
what the fuck?
not only is that just ridiculous, it's also infuriating.
so anyway...
i went shopping the other day and bought lots of clothes! (not really lots, but alot more than i've been able to buy in years.) i ended up with a pair of pants a size smaller than i have been wearing! and a skirt 2 sizes smaller!!!
and, yesterday, i came home from work and had a good time hanging out with brooke, zach, and jared. i love those guys!
brooke freaked out about how much skinnier i look?! she said even my arms look smaller! i keep telling myself that the people who see me often don't notice as well because it's been gradual.
so i feel pretty good!
and i'm going to my friend's wedding tomorrow, i'm excited for that!
How many states have you lived in? just this one.
How many states have you traveled through/vacationed in? texas, maryland, north carolina, south carolina, and alabama
Which state was/is your favorite? the carolinas. but probably just cause i had a great time while in each state.
You have two weeks alone (ALONE!) any place in the world. Where would you go? so many places!
What would you do? enjoy the culture, the history, the architecture, all the things we don't have here.
Where would you least like to live? baker or something similar.
Why? have you been to baker?!
How old were you when you first moved out of your parents’ home? when i got married, at 19.
Did you ever have to move back in? no, and if for whatever reason i ever did have to, it'd be really hard!
How old were you when you thought you were "in love" for the first time? 15?
How old were you when you realized you hadn’t really been? i still haven't "realized" it. i think i really was.
How old were you when you really did fall in love? again? 16?
What year did you get your first real job? 16.
How much was minimum wage? 4 or 5 something?
What year did you graduate from high school? 2001
What was the theme song to your Senior Prom? i didn't get a prom. i went to OACS.
"Jack and Diane" by John Mellencamp reminds you of: my mom.
JFK’s assassination: death is sad.
MLK’s assassination: eh.
Ronald Reagan’s shooting: eh.
The Space Shuttle explosion: eh.
O.J. Simpson’s Low Speed Chase: ridiculous.
Princess Diana’s Death: aaah car wreck
The Oklahoma City Bombing: tragic.
Do you remember watching the first "Live Aid"?: never watched it?
How many letters are in your name? 21
How many keys are on your keychain? 2
How many windows are in your home? 8?
How many exterior doors are in your home? 3
How many cars have you owned? 4
How many states have you had driver’s licenses in? 1
How many e-mail addresses in your ‘primary’ e-mail account address book? 30! i think gmail automatically saves some or something.
How many email accounts do you have? 1
What is the last book you read? The Ultimate Ninja book, i forgot the actual name.
What are you currently reading? nothing really.
What do you plan to read next? i borrowed Kurt Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle from sara.
What was the last movie you watched alone? i don't remember. i'll probably watch moulin rouge alone tomorrow. ooh, but it'll make me cry alot, so maybe not.
What was the last movie you watched with someone else? eddie, tiffy, and i watched i ♥ huckabees and mean girls the other night.
What (if any) one television do you watch religiously every day/week? gilmore girls (it's so addictive!), degrassi, family guy and most of adult swim
What (if any) is your favorite sport? eh. i miss dance?
Soaps: no thanks.
What is your favorite musical? i don't know.
Have you ever seen a live opera production? no.
If so, which ones?
What is your favorite opera?
Who is your favorite playwright? i don't know.
What is your favorite play by him/her?
Who is your favorite poet? hmm..not lately.
What is your favorite poem by him/her?
Who is your favorite stand-up comedian? AH! mitch hedburg! =(
Which ‘Friend’ would you say you are most like? none of them are lazy, unmotivated bums.
Who in ‘Mayberry’ do you have the most in common with? what?
Which of the two questions above was easiest to answer? well, since i've never heard of mayberry...
How old are your parents? shit, i don't know. my mom is 48? and my dad is 52ish i believe. step parents and in laws, i have no clue!
Are you missing any digits? umm...no?
Do you wear glasses or contacts? i lost my glasses, but it was a low perscription, so i don't technically NEED them, they just helped sometimes with headaches.
Dressing up for an evening out - pants or skirt? depends.
What do you use more of: Tape, Staples or Paper Clips? tape.
Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator? explorer like dora.
PC or Mac? pc.
If PC: Windows, Linux, or Unix? windows is all i know.
Do you use paper towels or re-useable rags? this questions are dumb! but i continue...paper towels.
Ladies: Are your toenails painted? haha! 1 is painted 1/4 of the way cause it hasn't all chipped off yet.
Do you prefer showers or baths? i love baths but only for relaxing and i don't have time for that shit.
eh. that was kinda lame.