fanficrants has apparently gone adults-only overnight, which sucks because I know a lot of the posts are nitpicky and ridiculous, but some really are helpful.
What I understand to have happened is that someone reported the comm to LJ for adult content and LJ locked it down themselves, without contacting the mods or offering a warning or anything. Frankly, it's stupid. The comm has very strict rules about putting anything triggery or explicit behind a properly worded cut, and the majority of posts don't have anything unsuitable for minors on there. So now I can log out of this account and read pretty much all the posts, since hardly anyone f-locks them, only for every single post I'll have to click on the 'May contain adult concepts' link. Which means that I'm not going to see the warning cuts and I won't have a clue what's under the link, except that it may be explicit. Or it may contain sunshine and flowers (unlikely, I know - this is still ffrants we're talking about).
Dear LJ, what the actual fuck?
I have this novel idea: if you're going to lock down a community, a) give some warning; b) actually tell the mods after you've done it (they thought it was a bug until they contacted LJ directly); c) invent a way of actually doing it effectively. Or you could just change the process for joining said community so that it gives the exact same warning you'd get if you logged out and accessed it.
I now have a Dreamwidth account (and if you're interested,
there are invite codes here ). I'm not leaving LJ because I'm way too involved in the communities I can still access (not bitter here at all...) and also, f-list, you are awesome. But I am thinking of using my DW account as a fic archive in the future. Only in the future, because I'm not sure I could face rereading some of my old stuff in order to repost it. I haven't really got a clue how DW operates, what the comms are like over there, so unless it's a comm that doesn't actually exist on LJ, I'll be staying right here.
Over at
ffrantsrants there seems to be some debate on how to get the word out about what's happened to ffrants, so this is me, doing my bit. In a bitter and grumpy way.
ETA: Also, LJ's whole 'over 18s' thing pisses me off in general. Know what, LJ? In my country, I'm old enough to legally do in practice any of those 'explicit adult concepts' you want to protect me from. I know it's because you're based in the States and blahblahblah, don't want to get sued. Still pisses me off.