So what if you threw a party and everybody came?

Dec 10, 2013 20:43

I was looking for Arcadia et Al, but I guess she deleted her account. Pity, I was hoping to hit her archive of life as a publisher. I shall have to check her Word Press. But in the meantime, I should update.

I finished a novel for a contest that is in judging currently and as the end date creeps closer I can't help but get excited. This is bad because I need my brain to focus on the piece I'm working up *now* for submission for another one. Since it isn't out yet I will mention the competition here as there is time for people to jump on the bandwagon. Go search for Dark Crystal Author Quest and get in on it. Yes, that is what you think it is, they are looking for a prequel novel and it is open to *anyone*. How cool is that?

So I'm still slogging on my submission and time is running out. Editors are standing by! And I have 2 more pieces to get done before Christmas! (Yeah, how did I fill up my year with writing projects suddenly?) But I have no complaints. :)

Both of my stories to Firbolg got bumped up to the anthology and it comes out in January as will the Dynatox Ministries "Witches!" anthology. It's a bizarro anthology created to help raise money for a convention. A lot of it is shocking style stories, I think I squeaked in with weird as it's a reach for me.

But let's get to the titular story shall we? Some of the people I know weren't doing great, being an indie author can be rough, as it is for editors and the like as well. So I tried to promote a few zombie titles on my author page to help out with the tag, "Feed the Zombies". That sounded kind of good, I thought. I wondered if more could be done with it.

Then I got talking to Timothy W. Long, seems I said, "Looking forward to your new Z-Rising series". He let me know it was "Z-Risen" but he liked "Z-Rising" more and was torn about changing the title! Ha ha ha. Well, we had some good natured banter and I asked him about doing something for the zombie authors with the "Feed the Zombies" tag. He really liked it, started an event and it was 2 weeks before Thanksgiving. I invited 5 authors, he invited 5 authors, cool.

Within 4 days we had 32 authors wanting onboard and a good 71 people on the page as supporters. We had to split the event and move some of the authors onto a second event as we couldn't list all the covers or accommodate everyone in the first event. By the end of the week we were over 400 strong and I got to take part in a zombie radio show!!! Z-radio's Zombiepalooza which is on Friday nights at 10pm EST if you ever want to catch it. (There are actually 3 zombie radio shows out there. I had no idea!) We ended with upwards of 800 people at our online event on November 27, 2013, the day before Thanksgiving in the U.S. (Which is a great mnemonic for zombie events, heh.) So, yea, I come up with lots of crazy ideas all the time. They don't usually take off like that.

So we will be having the overflow event February 14, 2014 with "Eat Your Heart Out" on FB for the authors who got missed in the first round or who want to return. I hope it does well for them also. By then the judging for my story will be over and I might have something I can share in the event!

I never dreamed I'd be hanging out in the author community and making so many friends inside it. But let me tell you, it's a great place to be. Come join in, the water's fine!

eat your heart out, valentine's day, zombiepalooza, feed the zombies, writing

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