I had my first short story accepted, as I probably mentioned. It was supposed to go up in the May Rogues' Gallery for Firbolg Publishing. I was waiting to hear more, but finally visited the site.
The picture of the month that we had to write an interpretation of was up, as were 2 other stories, but mine was not present. So I scrolled back up and read this:
"The first round of stories for The Rogues Gallery are in! Congratulations to Joshua Skye and Carina Barry for their outstanding flash fiction. They will be appearing in the January anthology release. We have two gruesome stories for our web site feature to give you a taste of what is to come!"
http://www.firbolgpublishing.com/the-rogues-gallery-vultures-vultures-vultures/ That means my story got picked as the best of the best for the end of the year anthology. So I am a little floored. I am sorry that I can't link people to my story as planned...but not too sorry! ;D I guess it is something for everyone to look forward to for New Years. ^-^