(no subject)

Mar 23, 2006 17:44

im an emotional wreck.
i cant keep things together apparently and my roommate is willing to deliberately hurt me. there were apologies that were exchanged but i have the feeling in the pit of my stomach that it is still occuring. she was so upset about me telling her i wasnt going to room with her next year that she has set herself on a mission to fuck up the things in my life that she knows i like. friday night is long gone and over but i am still feeling the effects, like a really horrendous hangover. only its hurts so badly. and im obsessing all the time about it. i just cant get over her being so cold hearted. and she's gone a little bit crazy. she suddenly is wanting to take over the guy she knows im into. its like a disease that is ravaging her brain. she cant see straight. she doesnt know love or like or a good relationship if it hit her in the face, yet she sits there and pretends like it was amazing. what exactly? so now the boy she told me she thought was weird when i told her i like him, she secretly is in love with? there are two reasons for this: 1)she wants what i want just to get back at me all while pretending thats not whats happening.
2)she has such issues with commitment and love and everything that she doesnt know how to act normally.

it was never ever ever my fault that she picked a shitty bf, so it gives her very little reason to go for the guy i like and excuse it by saying its because you like feeling that way.
dont pretend im as stupid as you are.
fuck you.
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