Oct 19, 2005 17:11
i can hardly ever find the time to update this thing between school, homework, sleeping and going out with friendss!
the homework is piling up and im starting to fall a little behind
... im failing math by 1%.
my weekends are always PACKED now.
last weekend on friday i went to hannah's and all of us drank then walked to the arena to watch the hockey gameee. it was a good time LOTS of people there. well me and laura got kicked out! so we walked with tim and josh haha.
went to hannah's afterwards.
saturday i went to the mall with breah, samantha and luke + met up with justin there (so random). pretty fun, aww @ photobooth pictures :) after the mallll i went to courts for a bit and then iasbella's for a sleepover.
sunday was at isa's then homework for like 10 hours (literally).
tomorrow is the halloween dance! dressing up .. as a school girl :| haha. weekend (if im not grounded) friday drinking with laur tim and josh, saturday hanging out with the girls then girls nighttt , drinking at jessicas. sunday homework as always.
and i guess thats it!
love linsday