(no subject)

Dec 30, 2008 08:46

The weather here has been so great and since we have been childless, we have been on the bike a lot!

On Saturday, we rode to Fredricksburg to buy heated jacket liners for when it does get cold again. It is so AWESOME! We got the thermostat thingys too and we already had the heated gloves. All that's left are pants, which didn't fit me properly so I'm still searching.

The jacket is like when you take a blanket out of the dryer and wrap all in it, only it doesn't cool off!

I'm going to a Harley New Years party tomorrow and I'm ready! I have my outfit chosen and the cheesecake is made. Bring on Rock Band!

Rachel comes home tomorrow and Corey got home yesterday. Life is almost back to normal.

New Years Day is the annual polar bear ride. It isn't going to be much of a polar bear type ride though. It's suppose to be nearly 50 degrees and sunny! Yay! I'm still wearing the heated jacket! Ha!

I got all my stuff done yesterday, so today is a Marcie-day. Not much work and not much else to do. I'll make a nice dinner and lay around all day. That is, after I do my 30 minutes on my Lifecycle like I do every day.

Better get to that so I can have breaky!
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