Dec 12, 2008 09:14
I got a free cheeseburger from Red Robin on my birthday (because I signed up for it). They emailed me a coupon and I took it in. To my surprise, I could have any one I wanted with bottomless fries! Does nothing for my girlish figure, but sure is a deal regular retail price is $10ish!
After I ate the whole giant burger and could barely breathe, they came out with a hot fudge sundae, a person dressed up in a bird costume and a very, very loud birthday song that they made everyone in the restaurant stop what they were doing to sing to me.
My husband and daughter were there and the whole bill was only $27!
Oh, I forgot to mention, I got a red balloon too!!!
I'll be 44 years old at 11:58a today, or as I like to think of it, noon.