Oct 20, 2005 12:15
While shopping at meijers the other day i ran across a DVD copy of Elvira,Mistress Of The Dark's newest movie.Viki,being a perennial fan of Elvira
would love this thought I. A quick scan of my wallet revealed 0 dollars however
Damn! anyway as i was perusing the cheap selection of very bad horror movies i came across this one. It's called Eyes Of The WereWolf. a quick scan of the back
told me this movie was BAD. it's about this guy who somehow loses his eyes and get's them replaced with new ones that belong to; you guessed it! A werewolf!
So i guess all sorts of wierd stuff starts to happen to this fellow and here's the selling point(And about the only thing i can remember from the back of the DVD)the last sentance reads as follows; "With the help of his horny nurse,a midgit,and a lesbian detective..." I think that probably sums up the quality of the film in question. I think i'll buy it for Trevor