Jan 11, 2006 19:53
Kevin came home today and declared, "I pee-ed in my pants today at school!" i then started to choke on the cheez-it that i was eating and my mother almost had to perform the heimlich (sp?) on me. turns out that they were taking a science test and his teacher told them no one can go to the bathroom during the test. and since he couldnt hold it...well, im sure u can fill in the blanks. but what really amused me was when after declaring this to me, he goes, "but i got 100% on my test! *huge smile*" lol. what a dork. he's gonna be such a nerd in HS.
anyway, first day of finals was definitely not that bad. medical assisting could've been a lot worst but im glad i feel relatively ok about MA since my other finals like apcalc and physics are gonna be simply atrocious. gather all that good feeling about passing before a wave of failure overcomes me.
it seems as if i can’t say anything in my house anymore. every little thing is turned into a topic for argument and all i seem to do with my parents nowadays is argue argue and argue some more. i snapped at my mom today and said something like, "well in 7 more months you won't have to deal with me and my problems!" thats the mantra that i've been repeating to myself over and over...7 more months, 7 more months...as terrible as that may be, it seriously brings me nothing but joy. well at least when it concerns leaving my parents.
*sigh* thats all. yet another depressing entry. but hey, new Grey's Anatomy this sunday!! :D