Feb 11, 2005 02:32
I can't even express how much I hate you all. Our generation sucks so badly and I just realize it more and more and I hate it so much. I really can't take it anymore. I don't even really know what to say from here. I just had to get that out.
No but seriously you all must die. Well, most of you, not all of you. Some of you I can tolerate. I think the downfall- or at least now that I think about it it's not so much the downfall but more like the thing that made me realize how much we suck. You already know exactly what I'm going to say before I say it. My-fucking-space. That's right. I know I know, "But Jasmine, you're on it? And besides, I've heard so much Myspace bashing already it's played out like a Hoobastank song." But don't worry children. Why? I actually don't know why, I stopped paying attention. Oh right, youth today. Yeah why do we take lots of pictures in mirrors? Or ask people to comment on our pages/ pictures? Why do we make it something to obsess over? Feed on other peoples opinions of ourselves? I would completely understand if a much older person came up to me and said, "You suck. You and everybody your age just sucks." I would probably just shake their hand. I have to admit I wish I acted as much as I care on certains things, but I don't and I don't have an excuse for it. That's also why I could see us as a generation that just doesn't care. We only care about ourselves and things that affect us. It makes me feel uneasy sometimes.
In other news I tattooed a honeydew today. It was a cheesey Chinese dragon design and it was great. They're much harder to tattoo than skin so it's better to learn the hard way this way the easier way is, well, easier. The best part is that you can still eat it afterwards- you stick ink in your skin and it's just as bad as eating it, the ink doesn't go all the way into the flesh of the fruit. Actually I lied the best part was tattooing it because it smelled so damn good the whole time. Hooray.
Also, I'm starting to really not like my current job. Everyday I dread waking up more and more and getting out of bed. I really think it has to do with not liking my current circumstance of having to go to a place I do not like, but on top of that, getting up early in the morning for it. 9:15 in the a.m. is early for me. Fuck that. I don't go to school anymore there for waking up when I don't want to shouldn't happen anymore. I know to many of you this seems like a ridiculous request but to me it's not. This is my life therefore I believe I should be able to decide what I want and don't want to do if I feel that strongly about it. And well also if I can somewhat control that. There's a line between deciding if I want to pay taxes and what time I want to get up for work. When I start working at the shop I'm not going to have to go in til noon. To me, that alone is a prize within itself.
I'm also starting to realize on some level I'm doing a lot of passing the time away. I'm living but I'm not alive. Somewhat. I don't don't know. Don't don't know eh? Yeah that's even worse I guess. Man it's late and I should get some sleep.
G'night kids.