Sep 10, 2003 10:10
Jury: Mom Murdered Baby With Breast Milk
A drug-addicted mother whose 3-month-old son overdosed on methamphetamine ingested through her breast milk was convicted of murder and could get life in prison.
this is a real story out of the news! fuckin a!
this is the sort of thing that makes me go, "good im glad drugs are illegal im glad people go to jail for sellin em!"
i love to use drugs but god damned
okay people or drug people here is a nugget of joy to chew on. when people do drugs they are forced to justify themselves to everyone(because of persicution) by sayin things like they arent bad, or what i do to my body is my bussiness. they just scape goat untill they are blue in the teeth. people who i hear say these things i always think "well if they are serious, they are fuckin idiots and irresponsible drug users!" DRUGS ARE BAD! when you accept that and accept that you are doing a "bad thing" (and bad i dont mean like right or wrong) that you are taking certin risks. and if you want to take these risks good for you, no one really cares. but if you beigin to out way the risks by scapegoating or just imposing your drug usage on other people then you have no bussiness doin drugs period.
this woman, as fuckin stupid as she is, killed her child by feeding it with a body running full of lethal drugs. law makers are going to have a feild day with this. this women had no intention on killing her son but because she was an irresponcible drug user, no one will sympathise with her. if more people could stop being pussys and just be responcible with theyre drugs then there would be no need to make them illegal. but people are to fuckin stupid and are full of so much cowerdice that they dont even have the ability to say "hey i like drugs and there bad. but i dont impose myself on others".
see me for example i used to impose myself on others but i changed. its kinda like gay people. there are people who are gay. and people who are GAY. the whole image they project is GAY they always talk about being GAY and all the GAY things they do. and eventually they become just a big ball of GAY. thats all they are to people is GAY because they impose that on everyone. then they take offence when people notice or make jokes or give there oppion on the morality of it or whatever. This wouldnt happen so frequently if they didnt throw it in your face GAY. same with drug people, they talk about it and do it and act all fucked up in public and make scenes and do fuckin stupid things and people. so if you impose on someone they are free to impose on you or just more prone to. i dont know but this women is fuckin stupid and i as a person in the culture am shocked and disapointed!