SOooo whats the dillie -o?!

Feb 12, 2006 22:30

SOoo i kinda feel uncomfortable with the fact that he called two of my best friends to ask them both how i was doing..and if i still liked him. They both said no. i love them. but leik wtf? real aggravted with the situation because i figure when i was totally in love with him i felt leik he never cared, now all of a sudden hes asking how i am. dont ask about me. i'm FABULOUS. WHy cant he just ask me himself? ...or is it leik weird now? i dont get it and i dont know why i'm still thinking about it i just cant get over it i guess. sigh...boy oh boy jode. you fucked up my life..i would never have the guts to say it to you though...

Valentines days in two days. great. once again i'm seeing all these great couples and i'm not one of them. just frustrating i guess. i hate how everyone used to write in their journals and now no one does. humpf.
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