first 2 weeks of school

Sep 04, 2008 14:25

an update has been requested!

so im going to write as much as i can about the first 2 weeks of school. im sorry if i forget anything, but ive been busy. haha.

so i moved in on the 19th. we got to the school around 9 oclock and started bring everything into the dorm and i filled out some papers. we set up my room and then i got my mail box and had my computer connected to the wireless network. after that we went to lunch. after lunch was the class picture, and after that we went to our advising sessions. after the session my parents and i went to the grocery store so i could have some food for my room. after that was dinner. after dinner was convocation...... ugh. boring.... and after convocation was the hall meeting. and then nothing after that.

the next morning i accidentally slept through breakfast and the placement exams (for languages). but i hadnt been planning on taking it anyway cause i didnt take 2 or more years of a foreign language between 10-12 grades. so i got up and i showered and then i chilled in my room and then i went to the farewell lunch. my parents didnt actually leave after that cause the flight wasnt until the evening so they went and hung out and then i had to go to the Academic Life thing. It was boring. then was another advising session, and this is where i made my tentative schedule. my family came by before their taxi got there to give me the extra car key and i said bye. after that was dinner and then after dinner was Choices 101: A Student's Guide to College. The Peer-Leaders did a bunch of skits about drinking and peer pressure and stuff like that. it was pretty funny. after choices was playfair. playfair is supposed to be outside on the field but because it was raining (or i had been all day, i cant remember) it was in the gym. playfair was 2 hours long and its purpose is to have you meet other people and stuff. i did actually meet some people before it started and i hang out with them now and then after i meet some people and i hang out with them too. after playfair was pizza wars. they had a bunch of free pizza from the places around town and we voted on our favorite. and then there was a band playing in the burrow (our cafe type thing). after that everyone went back to the dorms.

thursday was pretty laid back. there was breakfast, that i actually went to. and then we had our individual sessions with our advisor where we went over our schedules and finalized them. i pretty much had to change my entire schedule for both semesters because i didnt know how high up i was going to be in science. haha. i dont really remember what all i did on thursday other than that. oh ya i got my picture taken for the id cards. and then there was dinner with our OR Groups (OR=orientation). after dinner was shirttails information and then Let's Talk About "It". Shirttails is a really old tradition at hendrix where all the freshman in each dorm do a dance, and we compete against each other (well girls vs girls and boys vs boys), in previous years the dance had been very sexual and dirty, and people complained because they felt like they were forced to do it, and a lot of the teachers didnt like it. so this year they made it so the dances were hardly sexual or anything and we had to sign contracts saying that we knew it was optional and stuff like that, it was stupid. lets talk about it was these 2 women talking about their experiences and how one of them had been raped. they were basically telling us to have a good time in college but to be careful. and they want everybody to have good sex. haha. then we had shirttail meetings in our dorms and then there was an ice cream social and a movie (space jam). after the movie i hung out with some of my new friends and then went to bed.

friday i had breakfast and then i had to go to Living in the Hendrix Community & Choices 102. boring boring boring. in choices 102 we talked about what alcohol does to people and then we had to take this stupid survey. and after that we had free time to get ready to go on our OR Trips and then lunch and then we left on our OR Trips. and before we left my room key and my dorm key disappeared (and the new id wallet i had just bought). as in literally jumped out of my pocket and ran away. it pissed me off and made most of the next week hard and i had to pay extra money, but ill get into that later. so we left for our trips and i went on the Horseback Riding and Rock Climbing trip. (the best one ever!) we drove for around 3 hours to this ranch and then got out and put our stuff in the cabins and then had dinner. most of the other trips had to cook their own dinner, but we had ours made for us, and there was dessert! after dinner we hung out and then almost the entire group got in the hot tub. it was fun. we introduced ourselves and then played a bunch of games. after we got out of the hot tub a lot of people started playing card games. i went and changed and then i came back and i started playing with them. it was a game i had never played before, ERS. it was weird and kinda hard since i had no idea what i was going on. then we played a card game called scum. which was also weird. and then after that almost everyone played taboo! that was a lot of fun. lots of good times from that. after that we went to bed.

saturday morning we got up and had breakfast (again already prepared for us, it was good stuff) and then half of us went riding and then the other half went rock climbing. riding was pretty interesting. haha. i guess thats the word i should use. well anyways, i was in the back 2nd from the end, and the horse behind me had a horsefly on its butt that it couldnt get off. so it kinda freaked out and it started pushing my horse off the trail and fortunately up on a the hill side, and passed almost all the other horses in the line. once i was out of the way of the horse behind me i was able to get my horse to stop and i tried to reach the reins of the horse that was unhappy but i missed, but she was able to stop him, or maybe he just stopped, im thinking it was the 2nd option since she didnt really have much experience riding. that horse got to be right next to the leader for the rest of the ride. (oh ya so the horse who had the fly on it, his name was Yo Daddy!! hahaha!) after the ride was over we went back up to the lodge and hung out till lunch and then we had lunch and then i switched with one of the guys on the trip who is a really good rock climber, he wanted to go climbing all day and i wanted to ride all day. so i went back down to the barn with the other half of the group and went riding again. nothing bad happened that time, they had sprayed all the horses with bug spray during lunch. after that ride we went back up and started hanging out before dinner. we went in the pool and then in the hot tub for a little bit. we had to "hike" over to where dinner was that night because we ate outside, and we had steak! it was good. after dinner went went back to the lodge for dessert and then we had a meeting thing about the fact that what was happening the next day and then about how we had to make a song about the trip. after that we went back in the hot tub and then we played games and went on the computer. the internet sucked there. it was sooooooo slow. and you had to pages a million times to get them to work. so ya we hung out and had a lot of fun that night and went to bed late again.

in the morning we got up and had breakfast and then we showered and packed up all our stuff and then we hung out in the lodge and made our song. and then we went to the gift shop and then we hit the road. we stopped for lunch around half way home and after we got to school i unpacked and then searched for my lost keys! i looked everywhere, literally every where in my room. i hadnt left my room on friday so i know its not any where else. (and i still havent found it....) we had dinner and then there was "welcome week casino night" i didnt go to that, instead i went and played apples to apples with some of my friends. since sunday was the day that all the upperclassman got to school and it was the day that we got back from our OR Trips there were a lot of parties. after apples to apples a group of people piled in this guys car (i think he is a junior) he is in charge of shirttails, and we drove to some of the apartments so that he could get his hair cut. (his name is Kenyang) so we hung out there with the 2 guys who were going to live in the apartment and then after he had his haircut we walked over to Frontstreet Apartments where there was a party going on, but it was kinda lame and there was a head RA guy going around saying that the party needed to move to a different location. so we went back over to the guys apartment and hung out there. at about 1:30 we went back to the dorms to go to bed.

monday was kinda crazy. we had our first journeys class and had to confirm our classes. so i went to breakfast and then i went to journeys at 9:10 in the morning..... ugh. and then went and got my classes. and that is where all the fun started. it started off fine, i was going through all the lines getting everything taken care of when i got to the last table, getting our id cards. in order to get the new id card you have to turn in your temporary card, which i had lost. so they sent be back over to the business office table so i could pay to get a replacement card. i filled out the paperwork and then walked over to the building where the lost and found was. (I hadnt been able to check yet) I waited there for a long time waiting for the lady to be done talking to this guy and then she was on the phone. and after she was done i was able to talk to her. nobody had turned it in and she gave me the email of the lady who would get me a new key. when i was done talking to her i walked over to the building that had the business office in it so i could get a new temporary card. i waited in line and then when it was my turn i walked up to the counter and said that i lost my temporary id and that i needed to get a replacement. the lady took the paper that i had gotten earlier and started getting everything ready. i dont remember what we said to each other while everything was happening. but the lady heard me wrong and printed out a new real id card. so then i had to go back to the place where i got my schedule and stuff and i talked to the lady at the business office table and then she sent me over to the table that had all the ids on it and i had to tell them that "the ladies name" said to give me my card so they could destroy it because i have a new card. so then they gave me my original "real id card" and then i walked it back over to the lady at the other table. she took it and made a not that it was supposed to be destroyed and then i was finally able to leave. after that i was able to have lunch and then after that i had to go to the afternoon journeys lecture. after that lecture i went back to my room and chilled until dinner. and then after dinner we my OR group meet up so that we could practice the song for the pep rally that night. and then we went over to the pep rally and the Peer Leaders danced and then we did our songs and then we watch a slideshow. and after that was the first shirttails practice. so i went back to my room and then i walked over to the WAC (the gym). they showed us the dance and then we started to learn the middle of the dance and then we learned the beginning. after shirttails my friend and i practiced once and then we went to bed.

tuesday was the first day of actually classes, and i had my first class at the lovely hour of 8:15 in the morning. the class is Intro to Film Studies. the class was kinda interesting, but i was really tired, and the assignment was to watch Rear Window (a Hitchcock movie) by the next class on thursday morning. there was a showing for the class from 6-8 but i wasnt going to be able to go because of shirttails practice. after my class got out at 9:30 i went back to my room for a little while and then i walked over to my explorations class which was in the WAC, and the teacher is the basketball coach. we basically talked about what the class was going to be and they had cookies and juice. after that i was talking to a few a of the girls in my class (one of them i had hung out with before but not a lot) the one that i had already met wanted to watch the movie with me and the other one wanted to go to lunch with me. so that was cool. we went to lunch and then after lunch i went back to my room. after that i went back to my room and then im not really sure what i did. haha. i know i went to dinner and then i had shirttails from 8 to 10. and then i came back and showered? wow i really cant remember what happened. haha. obviously it wasnt very interesting. oh now i remember after i came back i read my homework for journeys.

on wednesday i got up and showered and then because my contacts were being stupid i wasnt able to go and eat breakfast so i took it with me on my way to journeys. journeys was ok, it turned out that i didnt do part of the homework, i didnt know it was assigned. but the class worked out anyway. after that i had my botany class. i walked over there and went into and sat down next some girl. it was really weird because the class was pretty small, and everyone was older, there were 2 girls from my hall council, which was(is) weird and ya. after that class i went to my chemistry class and one of the junior guys from hanging out was in the class and i sat next to him, and class was really boring because so far everything is really really basic and a major review. the stuff that you learn at the beginning of every chem class. and after that i went to lunch with my friend who was going to watch the movie with me. we had lunch and then we went over to the media center in the library and got the movie (Rear Window) and watched it in the "group room". after that i went back to the dorm and had dinner and then the guys came around for "teasers" we had to sit in the window and then they sang to us. After they sang we went over to the WAC for practice. after practice i talked to people on the phone and the hung out with some of the girls that are around me in the dorm. and then i went to bed.

and then it was thursday. I had my one class at 8:15 in the morning and then I came back to my room and either showered or took a nap. i cant remember which one. haha. i know i took a nap last week but i dont know if it was on tuesday or thursday. i think it was tuesday, ok now im remembering, so back to tuesday... haha after i had lunch of tuesday i talked with a friend and then i went back to my room and took a nap from 1:00 to 3:00 and then i got up and did whatever the heck i said i did. haha. ok now back to thursday. so i didnt take a nap, i showered and got ready and then i went to lunch. and after lunch i cant remember what i did. sorry, its hard to remember, it was seems like i got to school a year ago. so after dinner and stuff i had shirttail practice again. and then i came back and took a quick shower, so i wouldnt feel like a gross sweaty pig. then went to my room and did some homework and went to bed.

friday! i got up and i showered and then i went to journeys, and in journeys we talked about the speech that obama had just given and we talked about shirttails (my teacher is a political science teacher). it was weird because she was pretty much bashing on shirttails and saying that it was degrading. and i accidentally brought up partying. so that sucked. and then after that i went to botany and we had a little 5 question quiz and then we got into groups and talked about the articles we found. mine was pretty lame, but the other people in the group their articles were good. and after each group presented one article class was over. and then i went to the very boring chemistry. because we were still going over the review stuff. after class i went to lunch with some of my friends and then i hung out with them after, and then i went back to my room for a while and then there was an optional extra shirttail practice in the lobby of the dorm (we werent allowed to work with the choreographers outside of the alloted practice time.) and it did part of that because i wanted to make sure i knew some of the parts that i was having trouble remembering, and then i ran outside to help volunteer with the people who were going to set up the stage for the OK GO concert saturday night. but the stage was stuck in traffic so i sat around talking with the people for a half hour and then i went with the rest of my dorm over to the WAC for shirttails. after shirttails i took a quick shower and then i was hanging out with some of my friends and they decided that they were going to go to one of the martin parties. (martin is one of the boy dorms, veasey's (my dorm) brother dorm, and they have parties every night on the weekend and then on wednesday nights for wednesday fest. [a lot of people dont have classes on thursday or they dont have them till the afternoon so people party, and its partly because they made it half way through the week]) so we went over there for a while and then we ended up sitting outside talking and then 2 guys came over and introduced themselves and we talked and then we went inside and danced. and then we left because we had shirttails at 9 in the morning on saturday.

then i woke up at 8 something and went and had breakfast and then went over to the WAC for 3 hours of practice. then after practice we back and had some time to get ready before we had to start doing the dance for the guy dorms. so i took a shower and then got ready. haha. at 4:00 we went over to the brick pit (where the dance was going to be) to make sure that we could fit and had placement right for the some of the parts and then we went back to the dorms and finished getting ready. and then at 4:30 the guy dorms preformed for us and then at 5:00 we went over to the burrow so they could check to make sure we were wearing bras underwear and that we hadnt had alcohol. they had some pizza there for us but they didnt have enough, you could only have one piece and then there still wasnt enough for all the girls in the dorms. after that we went over the the boys dorms and did our dance in front of couch, and then harden and then martin. after that we had about 45 minutes until we had to be ready and go over to the brick pit. so we basically all stood in front of the AC and tried to get some of the dirt off of us. then we went over to the pit and we sat down and they did the introductions and then my dorm went first. so we did our dance and we did really awesome, but i think we got a lot of points taken off because they thought we were humping the ground. it sucked. then all the other dorms went and then some of the RAs did a dance thing and then they announced the winners for the guys and the girls. we got most spirited and galloway won. and then harden got most spirited for the guys and couch won. after we were done a bunch of the people went and jumped in the fountain. and then we went back to our dorms to change and get ready for the concert. so i hung out with some friends before the concert started and then we went over to go watch the concert, and ya know, we watched and danced a little and sang along. so during the concert i changed who i was with a few times and then i ended up kinda near the back, which i was a little sad about, but one of the people who was back there was one of the main people who had set up the concert. and i asked why he was in the back and he said because 3 of them would be coming back and playing on the little platform that i was literally a foot away from. so that was really cool to here. because three of them did come back. i could have touched the lead singer (i cant remember his name but i dont want to take the time to look it up because i really should be doing homework right now cause i have a quiz tomorrow...) all i had to do was extend my arm! but i didnt, i felt like if i did i would be a creepy crazy fan. haha. but whatever, and then i wanted to take one of his guitar pics, but i didnt. i wish i had. but oh well. they played 2 songs on that little stage and then went back to the main stage where the finished out the concert. after the concert i went to the front of the stage to help do my volunteer duties. (they told us that if we volunteered we would get to go to the after party with the band!) so i stood there for a while waiting for everyone to leave and the lady in charge to come over. so we started taking down the fence and we carried some tables over to the ballroom and then i started sweeping up all the confetti that was on the ground, on the bricks.... so i did that for almost 2 hours. and then i found out that the band had left. it was 1 oclock in the morning and i had been working for 2 hours and i didnt even get to meet the band!!!!! i wasnt happy at all. so we left a little while after that since we were pretty much done anyway. and then i went and found some of my friends at martin and danced for a while and then i went back to my friends room and we hung out and then i went to bed around 3:45.

so that was saturday. haha. and then on sunday i woke up pretty late, but not really late seeing as i had gone to bed around 4. and then i showered and chilled in my room and then got ready for ladies night! a bunch of my girl friends were going out to dinner and then we were going to do something after but we hadnt decided yet. so we went to dinner at this japanese hibachi place. which was really good. and i caught the food in my mouth when the chef was tossing it at us. so i was pretty proud of myself. haha. after dinner we went back to my friends room and then we decided what we were going to do. and some people went to the martin party and then the rest of us watched a movie. and then 2 of our guy friends came over because they had nothing to do and we would have felt bad if we said that they couldnt watch the movie with us. we watched the league of extraordinary gentleman. and then hung out for a while and then the guys left and we hung out more and one of my friends (the one who wanted to watch Rear Window with me) and i had planned on having a sleep over that night. so we did. and around 3 in the morning she got hungry and really wanted pizza, so we decided that we were going to go to get pizza. so we drove to walmart and then got some pizza, and cookies, and sour cream (it was a mexican taco pizza, its her favorite) and then i bought some croissants. then we went back to the dorm and cooked the pizza and had the cookies and then we went back to her room and talked and went on the computer and then we looked at our houses on google maps and then we went to bed at 5.... haha.

monday (labor day!). the plan was to wake up around 12:30 because ellie (my movie friend) was going to go swimming at 1:30. and then janelle and i (her roommate) went and had our breakfast, but they were serving lunch. then i went back to my dorm after that showered and went on the computer and then i went to dinner and then after dinner i went back to my room and tried to do some homework. and then my friends called me because they were all going to watch a movie, so i was stupid and tried to convince myself that i could read and watch the movie at the same time. haha. i know i cant do it, but i went anyway. we watched donnie darko. well actually there was a lot more talking then watching the movie. and then when the movie was over people went back to their dorms and went to bed.

tuesday. ugh. film studies at 8:15 and then explorations. and it was raining. really raining, a lot harder than it does at home. we were getting the rain from the hurricane. so i got wet on my way over to the WAC for class. and then after that i went back to my room and then waited for 50ish minutes until ellie got out of class then we went to lunch, and then after lunch the plan was to go watch the movie that i had to watch for my film class. Citizen Kane. but someone else was watching it when we got there so we left and we went back to our rooms. i showered and got ready and then i chilled and tried to do a little homework, and then i went to dinner, and after dinner i went back to my room and did my homework. then i read the first chapter of eclipse. (the 3rd book in the twilight series). and went to sleep.

then i got up and showered and got dressed and then after i came back from drying my hair (i had to do it in the bathroom so i wouldnt wake my roommate up, or her boyfriend, who sleeps in our room almost every night. the only nights he doesnt sleep here is when she is on duty and the first few nights during orientation week. i forgot to mention this earlier. but its almost like i have 2 roommates. its really weird. they are very touchy and he is the romantic one. sometimes i feel like they are acting like they would if i wasnt there, other than they dont do anything really bad when im here. just little kisses and cuddling and stuff like that, but they talk a little more openly. like he will be like, "i wanna touch your titties" to her of course, or when she is changing he will be like "oh did i see vagina, oh, nope, i didnt" its kinda really weird. oh i dotn remember if i mentioned that my roommate is an RA.....) but anyway when i came back in the room she was making coffee and then the smoke detector started going off for no reason at all. which sucked, because it was loud and it was early. and it wouldnt stop. there wasnt any smoke in the room at all!!!! the RA on the other side of the floor came over and was like, what the heck? and she started hitting it and took of the outside thing and tried to find a button to turn it off. eventually she did manage to get if off. i really dont know how she did. but then i finished getting ready and went to breakfast and then went to my classes. we had a lecture instead of class for journeys so that was a little better. then there was botany, wasnt that bad. i had skimmed the chapter that we were going over. and then chemistry. boring, and i felt stupid when i took the quiz we had at the end of class because it was really easy, and i answered the last question wrong, and because i was one of the first people to turn it in he looked over my answers as i was walking out and then told me that i didnt answer the last one right. but then i couldnt think of what the answer was. so ya that was stupid. and it was an easy question. i just couldnt think. but whatever, i turned it in. its not worth very many points. then i walked over to my ellies dorm and she was sleeping, so i went over the the cafeteria for lunch and then janelle and ellie walked in a little bit after i did and we got lunch but then i couldnt find them so i sat with some other friends and then ellie found me and she sat with us. after lunch we went back to our dorms, through the rain that had been coming down all day long. and i chilled and started typing this, and then did some other stuff on the computer. then i went to dinner and then i came back and did my homework. after that i typed a little more of this, and then i went out with some friends for wednesday fest. it sucked though because nobody was really there because of the rain. ya we went from place to place and then i finally went back to my room and got ready for bed and then i started reading more of eclipse, and i kinda read until 2:45 in the morning... haha. i forced myself to stop reading since i would be getting up in a little over 4 hours.

so today has been pretty lame. i got up and then i went to film and then i came back here and then i took a nap! and then i went to lunch and now im here typing this right this very second. im going to have to do homework, because of the quiz that is tomorrow, and i have lab tomorrow too. and i have reading. crap. i forgot about the reading for journeys. dang it. ok. well pretty soon im going to go play tennis for a little while then im going to shower and do homework and then i think we are doing something tonight because it is one of my friends birthday. well tomorrow is his birthday, but he was born near russia, so its his birthday right now in russia so he wasnt so celebrate today, and ellie is leaving tomorrow to go home for the weekend so she wouldnt be able to go. ok well i hope i did a good job telling you about my first 2 and a half weeks of college! ill update more later.
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