Yeah, been really busy as usual.
I gots me some Reverend Mail, and a lovely lot too!
About the only time you'll see me without a hat on unless I'm on... well, more about that later ^^
Deathga in Dynamis-Sandy:
Rank 9 and a decent amount of gil:
My friend Akodemik, in his natural state ^.~
I bought an Odorous Knife for 200k and was lucky enough to only need the one, when we did a run of Uggy. Pendants:
This is the only time I went to Kirin as BLM, since then I've been WHM lol:
My second Jailor of Love and this is what happened...
We recovered and got the best drops ^^ But then guess who turned up?
We had 'fun' dragging it across the zone lol
I got my one and only Obi:
And, *drum roll please*, WHM hands dropped at last!
The stats aren't great, but I'm 6/6!
So that's what happened in March. April next!