Will You Still Love Me In The Morning?, a Supernatural Comment Fic Meme

Apr 23, 2014 00:01

Title: Will You Still Love Me in The Morning?
Author: lauehime
Rating: PG
Genre/pairing: Humor, H/C, Family, Gen
Characters: Sam, Dean
Word count: 1,330
Summary: Written for senberet’s prompt “I like the idea of a character -- any character -- needing to sneeze while he's in a position where he has to be quiet for whatever reason. So he's got to look around (maybe it's night time and it's dark, making it extra difficult) for something thick to muffle the fit into”
Disclaimer: The show belongs to Kripke.
A/N: Written for tarotgal’s comment fic meme. Check it out HERE


Sam startled awake with an uncomfortable tingling rattling his muscles. He tried to roll it off but it only aggravated the shivering he hadn’t taken notice of until it crept its way up his spine. In that instant, he also acknowledged the sheen of cold sweat that glistened on the top layer of his skin.

He knew he was sick. He had been for a few days. Dean had tried to force-feed him some medicine but Sam had pretended it wasn’t that bad. He started to regret it, while he felt the growing tension building against the inner side of his cheeks. He hated sinus infections. They always made him feel miserable.

The feeling only intensified when the tingling went up his throat and started creeping its way towards his nose. He knew what was coming and his eyes widened with fear. Dean was sleeping peaceful in the adjacent bed. His big brother hadn’t slept much in the past few days, thanks to his apparently not-so-bad cold that wasn’t a cold according to him, but that had still made him snore like an eighteen wheeler.

Dean hadn’t wanted to blame his sick brother - because he could tell that Sam was sick even though his little brother was a stubborn shit for even pretending that he wasn’t - and tried to go through the motions while his fatigue only served to increase his irritability towards his foolish brother.

For once, Dean had managed to fall asleep. Sam couldn’t do that to his brother. He was afraid he’d wake him up with the blow that he knew was unavoidable. He felt the power add up and build inside his chest and soon, thunder would boom out of him. He started gasping for air that he hoped would keep the explosion at bay, even though he knew it was a lost cause.

He stumbled to his feet and rummaged through the darkness for something - anything - that could muffle the discharge. ‘Ahhh..ah…ahhhhhhhh’ he panted, his mouth gaping at the impending detonation.

His fingers finally closed around something warm and soft. He didn’t have time to think. His nose felt like someone was rubbing a feather into his nostrils. He couldn’t keep the gale of germs any longer and quickly buried his face into the soft fabric. As soon as his nose disappeared in the material, his ribcage contracted with enough force to fold Sam at his midsection. AAAAGGGSSSSSHHHHHHAAAAAAHHHHHH!

The discharge was powerful and felt somewhat sticky. Sam felt tears pool into his eyes from the force it took to expel such a buildup of mucus. One more second and Dean would have been sitting straight up in bed, startled at the sound. Luckily for him though, the fabric had kept most of the volume to acceptable levels.

Sam panted painfully and rubbed his nose against the material he was still hanging to, as if it were a lifeline. Whatever it was, it had taken the brunt of the attack. Sam was too tired to care. The motion left him exhausted, but at least he breathed a little better.

He could also tell from the slight snoring that he hadn’t woken his brother up. He finally shrugged and dropped the heap of warm fabric that he’d been holding to his chest. Everything else could wait for tomorrow. He was ready to let oblivion claim him again. He was asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

The first thing that registered to his fuzzy brain after that was the heavy pounding that drummed against his skull. What came next was a little more shocking and somewhat worrisome…

It was certainly Dean’s voice that came with the litany of curses that filled his ears.

“That son of a bitch! Jesus fucking Christ, I’m gonna end him! Samuel fucking Winchester!”

Sam froze at the sound of his name, but also at the fact that Dean had used his full name. He never did unless…

Sam peeled his eyes open and grunted as bright sunlight hit his fragile eyes. Dean was standing above him, seething. He was also holding something that Sam couldn’t recognize yet.

“Deand, whad’s goingd ond?” he rasped out, his voice too nasal to his own liking. If he sounded as bad as he felt, he was in for a very long and crappy day. Dean’s mood didn’t make things better.

“Recognize this?” Dean growled, pushing his leather jacket closer for Sam to see.

“S’your leadher djacketd” Sam stated with a ‘duh-captain-obvious’ look on his face. Why was his brother showing it to him? And why wake him up for that? Unless… a memory hit him and brought on a sense of impending doom.

Without any word, Dean threw the jacket at Sam’s face. The latter caught it awkwardly and turned it around until he found what his brother wanted him to see.

“Can you tell me why there’s fucking snot all over my jacket?” Dean urged, his eyes ready to bulge out of their sockets. Sam felt ridiculously small under his brother’s glare. He attempted a shy smile to alleviate the tension, but it only made his big brother’s breath louder and angrier.

“B’sorry, Deand… didn’d wandt to wake you ub…” Sam tried guiltily. Dean rolled his eyes. He recognized the good intention for what it was, but his jacket was still ruined.

“Sam, that’s fucking gross! Next time, get a goddamned Kleenex!” Dean complained, but his voice was already softening.

“B’so sorry, Deand” Sam repeated, his eyes turning all wide and misty. Dean hated that puppy dog look that always worked against him. He couldn’t stay mad at that. He sighed in defeat, not missing the glassy look and the shivers that rocked his baby brother’s body. His brow furrowed.

“You okay?” he asked, anger suddenly out of his voice to be replaced by concern. Sam’s eyes drooped heavily.

“Nod fveeling good” Sam admitted. Dean reached a hand out to palm his brother’s forehead.

“You’re burning up! Let me get you some aspirin. You need to drink too. Want some water? Here” Dean presented the pills and the water. Just like that, he was back to being the caring big brother. He palmed Sam’s forehead again as he pulled out the thermometer from their first aid kit. Sam leaned into his brother’s touch.

“Dhank you, Deand” Sam rasped, grateful for the help. Dean bit his bottom lip.

“Yeah, don’t thank me too quickly” he started with the beginnings of a lopsided grin. Sam looked puzzled. Dean bit his lip harder to keep the laughter at bay. He still had to look in control, after all.

“I’m only helping you get better so you can clean up my jacket” he finished before pulling on his cocky face. Sam snorted, but there was amusement in his eyes.

“Whadever, djerk” he replied, rolling his eyes. Dean’s eyebrows shot up.

“I mean it, bitch! If you don’t get rid of that shit you put on it, I’ll scrub it clean with your toothbrush!” Dean threatened playfully.

Sam’s lips parted open when he started to laugh, but the intake of air tickled his nose and caught in his throat. The familiar tickling sensation brought a panicked look to his face. AAAGGGGGSSSHHHEEEWWWW!

“Bless you” Dean teased. Sam went to pull the jacket to his nose, as if wanting to blow his nose into it. Dean snapped it right out of his grip. Sam laughed, the sound canned and congested.

“I can’t believe that you’re eight feet tall, yet you’re such a child!” Dean joked, his pout breaking into a smile. He grabbed the Kleenexes and tossed them at his brother. “And use this, Francis… just in case being a moron is contagious” he added.

Sam playfully flicked him off with a finger.

“Yeah, I love you too” Dean jested. Sam rolled his eyes, but he knew that behind the jokes, his ass was still safe because his brother loved him more than the value of their father’s leather jacket.

sick!sam, supernatural, fic, fever, comment fic meme, prompt, awesome!brothers, bigbro!dean

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