I was fooling around with some new effects and decided to make a horror-ish style video. It's not that great, nor is it well pieced-together, but I do like the look of it.
You can watch this video on www.livejournal.com
STORYLINE [partly explained in video]
RED = normal
BLUE = infected
The pridelands are destroyed, and almost everything is dead or dying. Little remains of what once was.
Some of those who have died have not stayed dead--instead, they return to haunt the pridelands and kill/convert any survivors. Yes, they are zombies. Zombielions :D
Simba and Kovu are two such survivors, traveling along and whatnot. Simba dreams of dying, as has been infected/'ill' (through several bites). He doesn't tell Kovu.
Then they wake up one day, surrounded by zombie!lions. Simba can sense his time is near, and apologizes to Kovu before knocking over a conveniently located ledge, into the water. Kovu survives, and feels guilty for allowing SImba to sacrifice himself.
Then Simba finds Kovu--only it's not the same lion Kovu knew.
I know. Shoddy plot xP
I own nothing.