It's human nature to form smaller groups within a larger group. It gives one a sense of identity, of who they are in relation to everyone around them. Not to say that people in the larger group isolate themselves from each other; it's entirely possible to get along well with people outside your own subgroup. it's just that people tend to gravitate toward smaller circles of close friends with whom they spend the majority of their social time.
I've begun to recognize a pattern in my life that any groups I end up joining or forming are inevitably the ones that end up laughing like maniacs while everyone else is operating on at least a semi-serious level. I first noticed it happening in my junior year English class, when Ryan and Chelsea and I made every project much more fun than it probably should have been ("Do you realize we're the only ones laughing, again?"). And it's just kept going. For instance, the cross-country banquet was the other night, at a Thai restaurant downtown. As per usual, Gabi and Jen and I sat together, and while everyone else was still enjoying themselves, we were the ones who ended up laughing so hard that our abs hurt and we couldn't breathe and I'm pretty sure everyone else thought we'd gone completely insane.
The best part of it all is that this isn't the first time this has happened, not by a long shot. I love my life.
Current music: Suburban Legends: Bright Spring Morning