So, Spain. You know, that country in the southwest of Europe. Sevillanas, flamenco, that kind of thing. Are we considered people of color in the United States? What about Italy and Greece? Because, let's face it, I've always thought that we were mostly Caucasian. With Arab, Jewish, Roman, Greek, Fenician, Gypsy, Goth, Celtic and Iberian blood thrown in for good measure (probably I'm forgetting two or three ethnic/geographic/civilization groups, but you get the drift, everybody and their mothers have invaded us at some point or another. Even the French), but still. Is it only me? I'm just really curious because it's the second time that I see someone suggest Javier Bardem as an alternative actor to diversify ethnicity in movies and for me it's just... well, you want to diversify, choose another actor, because in spite of the horrible accent and brutish physiognomy, he's kind of Caucasian. And now I'm confused... is he? Am I? What it depends on, how "colored" you are? Is it just the features? Because maybe the geographic origin is not such a reliable hint to base your assumptions on, not anymore. I personally have very white skin but very dark eyes with heavy lids. I've always been told that I don't look Spanish. But I can go back to my ancestors and all of them are Spanish. I've been told that I look half Asian (and for me it's like, really? Okay). I assure you that there's not a single drop of Asian blood in my veins, at least none that I can track (and I can go back pretty far in my genealogic tree). Do my features make me Asian even if my genetic information strongly disagree? Not that I would mind one way or the other, but still, that makes no sense to me. And please, believe me, I'm incredibly in favor of representation, I think it's more than important, it's essential, and, even if I've always considered myself Caucasian and thus, I used to not give a shit about it, I'm also a woman and I can relate as a minority. People need to see themselves in their heroes, and that's always easier when they share more than the personality with you, when they are physically like you. That's why I'm totally in favor of representation. And that's why I can't get why they want Javier Bardem to help in that. Unless Spanish people are people of color and I just didn't know. So, what is it? Can someone please explain this to me?
(Also, I'm not asking about the biological definition of "ethnic group", but the social concept of "person of color".)
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