In the meanwhile...

Feb 15, 2014 16:44

Okay, today is the day, I'm working on the post of the contest (winners and stuff) but it's going to take a while (not much, maybe an hour). If in the meanwhile you want to prompt me, you're more than welcome (after I finish the post as well, there's no time limit here). You know my fandoms, new and old, everything is okay. So, give me a pairing and a prompt (a word, a sentence, an explanation, a picture...) and I'll write a drabble, or a one-line fic, or I'll doodle something, or I'll do nothing and laugh at your naïvety at believing anything I say by now, since I'm cultivating a history of not doing what I say I'm going to. Anyway, feel free to prompt me! The weather is beautiful in Iceland today and I feel like being productive!

Also posted at, if you'd rather read it there or want to enter a discussion with


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