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aimedforleg March 11 2010, 22:45:17 UTC
It could be that when people are taken from the city that they discover something the scientists don't want them to. If they're unable to kill the people before they return tot heir own world, but intend to bring them back, taking those memories might be the only viable option.


latteheart March 12 2010, 01:06:08 UTC
But...why take people back and forth at all? Some stay for years, others only a few weeks...there's no sense to it.


aimedforleg March 12 2010, 02:35:54 UTC
That's what I'm wondering.

Is there anything in particular these people contributed that you know of? Something that might cause them to be sent home and brought back repeatedly, kept longer or shorter times..?


latteheart March 12 2010, 03:04:50 UTC
Well, it's not like I know everyone...but it seems to be random. I mean, I was brought back without my memories, but there's nothing special about me...I don't know. The people who have been here longer might know more, though.


mind if he makes a note of her for his file? he's keeping info on the people in the city. xD aimedforleg March 12 2010, 03:08:06 UTC
Was there anything in particular you remember doing at home before being brought here, Mrs...?


lol go ahead. wait till she casually drops the fact that she's a robot XD latteheart March 12 2010, 04:06:15 UTC
At home...?

[He can't see it, obviously, but her hand goes to the small charm around her neck.]

The last thing I did...was meet with Sensei. I saw her the day before I came here again. We just talked though...


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