Beautiful Sunny Sunday Afternoon

Sep 11, 2005 15:49

I love days like this. It's not ridiculously humid, the sun's out, there's a nice breeze going... we had church under the big top. Seriously. We had a giant white tent. *sigh* Anyway...

Nothing earth-shatteringly new has been going on, just more of the same. The one new thing is that I started my classes through Pitt. All I can say is, who knew library science was so... sciency? And I knew there would be a lot of reading since I want to be a librarian, but wow, there's a lot. I can see why these are grad courses and not your typical undergrad variety. I admit I may have had a bit of a "what have I got myself into" feeling when I opened one of the first readings to find a whole bunch of equations that look more like they should be in one of Steve's textbooks than mine. But a little adjustment period to doing everything online, and I'm (hopefully) getting into the swing of things. Anyone who thinks librarians have it easy and just sign out books all day... I'll hunt you down! SO not true!

What else? Adjusting to not being back in the Burg. THAT's weird. I miss my Duke Dogs immensely and it feels weird not being there, but I'm keeping busy. Last week I went to FCA with Steve and met a bunch of people from Lehigh. Of course when we played this introduction game (we had had to write four things about ourselves on an index card; the index cards were passed out and we had to search for our person.), I got Steve. So I just kind of mingled and pretended I didn't know who I had.

So it's pretty much been a combination of friends, school, and work. That's all I can think of for the moment. :D And now I have to go get jeans on. Steve's coming to get me on the motorcycle :) Now that's a fun way to enjoy the weather! :D
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