Finally the Weekend!

May 21, 2005 17:08

So this is what it's like to be an adult? (I use that term loosely:D) I spent the past week driving to and from Harrisburg (no, not Harrisonburg). I was going to Computer Aid's Harrisburg office to be trained for my new job as a technical writer for the company's Product Development and Support team. Wow, that was fun;) Getting up at 5:30am, driving anywhere from an hour and 15 minutes to an hour and a half to get there, then spending 8-9 hours learning (over-kill) processes and procedures. 55 hours total for the week... that paycheck will be nice;) Luckily, I feel like I was able to pick up the tool I will use to write the help topics with pretty well. My trainer made me do a lot of the work, so I picked RoboHelp up from being pushed into the fray so to speak. The application that I'm actually writing help for on the other hand... let's just say that Tracer is not very user-friendly. It is the micro-manager's choice tool for torture. But I shouldn't complain. I'll be doing the technical writing for 3 days a week and working in HR two days. I HAVE a job. BUT I will only work for Computer Aid for the summer... I hope. (Whatever you say Steve!:p Seriously, wanting to hit a girl? What would your mom say??) So having a job is good. Getting a raise is good. Getting to use a laptop is cool. The people I work with (for the most part...) are cool.

So that was pretty much my life this week. Driving. Training. Talking to people on the phone while I drove/was stuck in traffic. (But don't get me started on my car not turning off for an hour and a half!) Last night, I went over to the Zaniases. And tonight, I get to see Rachel Fink finally!! :D Going to the Zaniases to spend some time with Rachel and Lexi, then going to see "Hitch". I'm looking forward to getting to see people more! People are around. I'M around. It's weird thinking that this isn't just for the summer though. I'm here for good! *sigh* Pennsylvania :D
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