A story of hope and perseverance. And fic en masse.

Oct 16, 2011 12:11

The thing about not having posted since last year is that it gives you a kind of performance anxiety. What do I say? Should I apologize for my absence? Has anyone seen my socks(*)?

Anyway. *waves hands in mysterious pattern*

My life has for the past couple of months been taken over by life&etc. I realize that that's what I always say, but this time I sincerely mean it, as in, oh, yesterday I came home at six thirty. How early! Those of you with kids and full time jobs, you have my deepest respect. I am, as a part of my master's, doing a full time work experience/work practice about an hour away from where I live. It's exciting and interesting and awesome, but I am completely exhausted when I get home. Thank God I have no kids. Who knows what would happen. I am clearly not tough enough to actually have children.

This work experience unfortunately coincided with AVOS taking over delicious. Meaning that I have been too overwhelmed to actually deal with any of it, and as a consequence have read almost nothing - nothing! - for about two weeks. What tomfoolery is this?

I admit it, in the beginning I was optimistic. I said to myself: "self, AVOS simply cannot be evil. AVOS saved delicious!"


I think I may have to admit that I was wrong about that. (Note: I don't think they're actually evil. But they're sure not the delicious I loved anymore. It's almost like they're deliberately trying to screw all the previous users over.)

Which is why I need to link you to my pinboard account. I'll most likely be using that in the future, and not my delicious account, although they'll probably overlap for the time being. What ultimately convinced me was the ability to use networks almost like in delicious (or should I say, like it was formerly possible in delicious) and the ability to subscribe to tags. As well as the founder's acceptance of and willingness to work with fandom.

I've found as many members of my former network as possible on pinboard, but if I'm not subscribing to you right now, I couldn't find you again. So link me, please? I'd love to still read what you bookmark. If you've signed up for pinboard, that is.

If the ugly layout is stopping you from joining pinboard, don't let it! I spent yesterday customizing my pinboard experience (wheee!), and it is, true fact, dead easy. Other people (awesome people) have done the hard work for us already!

With the help of
jerakeen I was able to prettify my pinboard pages substantially (and
jerakeen was sweet enough to help me with some css here. If you're as stupid about CSS as me, chances are that you'll need it, too).

And then
jerakeen and
murklins (here) were my go-to guides for installing all of the neat greasemonkey scripts that have been made for pinboard (overview here), so that my user experience now rivals delicious at its best. Okay, just prior to its best. But it's still eons better than delicious now, which is basically useless to me.

And then!
oxymoron told me how to install pinboard buttons in firefox. I'm fairly sure that, somewhere, angels danced. It is so neat.

And then I spent five hours reading fic. The end.

(*) True fact: I am wearing home knitted socks as we speak.
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