Baltimore, TPS DC Trip, shopping...

Jun 27, 2005 23:38

Posted 6-23-05 @ 8:23PM:

Currently Listening
The Battle For Everything
By Five for Fighting
see related

Well, this week has been a bit nuts.  I went with Terri and all four boys (and my friend Mr. Oxygen tank, Madame Feeding Pump, and lots of other paraphenalia...or however you spell that word) out-of-town for a couple days.  We toured the Baltimore aqaurium, went to the children's museum, and toured the Coast Guard boat and the sub at the dock.  In both vessels, there were these steps -- more like ladders -- that were extremely difficult to navigate (without falling, that is) while holding a sleeping 2 year-old or a 17 pound infant, oxygen tank, and 20 pound diaper bag full of medications and other supplies.  We managed that one okay, and at least we could rest in the bottom before having to make our way back to deck.  The sub -- well, perhaps that wasn't a great idea.  Not only were there alot more of the ladders, the "doorways" (which I would describe as being about the size of portholes...okay, maybe a tad bigger) were so narrow, and I felt like I was carrying a double-wide load.  I bumped Corbin's head a couple times, and smashed his fingers a few times.  =(  Of course, while we were in the bottom of the sub Corbin started to pass out from the severe heat (heart children often have trouble handling heat because their heart can't handle the increased circulation needed to cool the body).  So he's falling asleep in my arms, we're trying to get out and get into somewhere airconditioned... whew.  Talk about a rush of adrenaline.  But everyone's fine, now.  The boys had fun, Terri had fun, I had fun, it was good to get away and everyone is now safely back home.

Last night, I stopped by the Pratt's for a bit to say hi to Sarah K. and everybody.  That seems like such a neat team, and it seems like they had a great week.  I can't wait to hear all about it and all the stories.  They're having their party tonight, and then they all leave tomorrow.  How sad -- this week seems to have gone by so quickly, and I'm not even on the trip!

We went shopping today for clothes for a wedding, tomorrow, and then to swim practice and a pep rally this evening.  Tomorrow we have our first A meet of the season, then straight to a wedding, then straight to my sister's dance recital.  Sunday, we have church then a graduation.  Busy weekend!

I've gotta go get cleaned up from being at the pool all afternoon, and get some homework in.  Homework...wheeeeee.

Take care.

general update

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