Yes I redid my stats/permissions meme to reflect Excel's wacky new canon height. SO SUE ME.

Sep 24, 2008 13:02


Age: CLASSIFIED but old enough to buy beer.
Height: 5'7" lololol
Medical Info: 20/20 vision. Healthy despite poor diet. Prone to amnesia.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blonde
Physical traits: Nothin' fancy.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Anything. Absolutely anything. Though it annoys the crap out of me if you call her "Excel Excel" because the anime doesn't count and the dub doesn't count TIMES TEN THOUSAND.
Abilities: Can do anything that's funny. Is better/stronger/faster than a normal person, which probably only makes her like average for anime/manga characters, so there you go.

Is now a master of technology. CAN NOW LIFT A THOUSAND POUND ROBOT AND THROW IT OVER HER SHOULDER!?!?!?!!??! Wh-whatcha doin' there, canon?
Notes for the Psychics: There are lots of blank spots in Excel's head where things should be. Her conscious mind is always chaotic, zipping here and there and everywhere. She's also got a serious genius-level intelligence in there, even if she doesn't like. Actually use it for anything.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Yep
Maim/Murder/Death: Fuck yeah
Cooking: Mostly she's a functional cook, 'cause she likes things plain (read: cheap). She can make it tasty if she needs to, though.

Il Palazzo

Height: If Excel is 5'7" he's got to be at LEAST 67"
Medical Info: Is human-ish,and may or may not have been human in the past, but I wouldn't call him human now. Will never require medical treatment, so it doesn't much matter.
Eyes: Gold, slitted.
Hair: Canon pictures show it being everywhere in the spectrum between purple and green, but I'mma call it silver.
Physical traits: Ridiculously strong. Ridiculously hot. Upside-down penis which may ormay not be several feet long, based on the only doujinshi I've ever found with the Ilpacock in it.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Anything! If you can get a reaction out of Il Palazzo, YOU WIN! 8D
Abilities: Il Palazzo can basically do just about anything. Except play guitar.
Notes for the Psychics: Il Palazzo is kinda psychic himself sorta, possibly, unless he's a robot, which is possible, but let's just say he's psychic, and in any event you see nothing. Brickwall. But despite that, he probably radiates negativity.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Probably /o/
Maim/Murder/Death: You can try, but if he were a Disgaea character, he'd be on level 9,999. ARE YOU THE REAL LEGENDARY OVERLORD!?
Cooking: Ha, like you could make Il Palazzo cook.

useful stuff

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