just forget you ever saw this...

Sep 19, 2006 04:15

Well I had an interesting weekend. First on Saturday me and my little sister were supposed to go downtown to get autographs from these wrestlers tha were going to be at Best Buy (the same one with John Mayer and Beyonce by the way) but I had to get my hair done and crap. So I did (and I must say that i looked MIGHTY fine) and then we left around 5:15. It took until 5:45 for the 102 to get to the bustop in front of my house and then when we got downtown it was like 6:30. So we go up to this Best Buy guy and were like "where's the line for the Jeff Hardy and Candice Michelle autographs" and hes all like "oh you need wristbads for that. We gave them all away like at 3"

at 3??? for a freakin signing that starts at 8 oh freaking clock??? my sister was so pissed we just left without even trying to see John Mayer or anything.

And then when we get home, we had to take my niece to the hospital because she, like the complete moron that she is, decided to take my nephews scooter(which she cant ride) and 'ride' it in front of one of her friends houses where there were broken beer bottles. So we went into emergency at Centenary a little bit before 8. We waited in one waiting room, then they sent us to another waiting room. Then we finally saw a doctor who pushed the glass further into her thigh and sent us to get an xray to find out where exactly it was.we had to wait in a waiting room there got the xray then we had to go back to the second waiting room again to wait for the doctor AGAIN. he finally got it out and we left the hospital AFTER 2 IN THE FRIGGIN MORNING! I was so pissed, tired, yet pissed.
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