My day is just great...

Jun 02, 2006 00:11

I woke up late this morning and kept on falling all over the place (in the shower, in my sister's room, in my nephew's room while talking to my sister, making my coffee, etc.) So I didn't end up leaving the house until 10:30. It's all good though because Masashi told me we had just went over 6.7 AGAIN.

Ahh. The day that I knew would come finally made with the coming (no dirty jokes intended).
I received a letter from McGill and one from UofT both of them saying...

...I didn't get in. but that's cool. I hadn't really expected to get in, although it is slightly depressing. At one point I just wanted to lie in my bed and cry for the rest of my life, then I realized that wouldn't really be doing anything worthwhile. So I went outside today and got a few employment papers, and Im starting my resume right now.

I might not have gotten into university, but I can still be filthy rich!
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