OOM: Hungry

Oct 24, 2006 20:26

It is a well-established fact that Ramon cannot cook. Most of the time, this isn't a problem - Random can a little, after all, and there's always Bar. If he's working, there are people that deliver.

However, he's not working today. Random isn't around and he can't go to the bar because he's vaguely watching Martin. And there is no food in the house and he's hungry.

This does not put him in a good mood. That changes though, when he's rummaging through the pockets of the coat he was wearing in Milliways the other night, looking for a pack of smokes. Instead, he finds a candy bar.

Well. How fortuitous. Ramon thinks nothing of ripping it open and devouring it, which is why - ten minutes later - he's showered, changed, accessorized with the necessary kit and heading out of the door.

band candy, oom, haven

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