OOM: Another night off

Mar 02, 2006 01:27

It's been so much better having Random staying nights at the bar. But it's not home anymore either and it's nice just to come back through the door to a place that's just theirs.

Ramon puts down the bag full of baby stuff he's carried through and holds the door open for Random.

'I think I want to get drunk tonight.'

smut, oom, schmoop, haven, random

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underwater_owl March 2 2006, 01:34:47 UTC

He walks through, baby in arms, smile on his face.

"Can't really join you, but I'll happily tie you to things when you do. Or sling you across the bed and do horribly nice things to you."

Either or.

"After bed-time, I mean."


latino_menace March 2 2006, 01:38:46 UTC
'Sounds good to me.'

He's in a bloody good mood today actually, having tried painkillers instead of valium. Therefore, pain free and awake at the same time. Bonus!

'If I could get in the shower I'd ask you to fuck me in it actually,' he says in a conversational tone, as he heads to the kitchen for a coffee before hitting the tequila. 'Quite fancy trying that. Have to wait though - but later, you can do whatever you like. AS long as I'm allowed revenge afterwards.'


underwater_owl March 2 2006, 01:51:41 UTC
"Sounds like a plan."

Random also manages conversational. And puts the kettle on for tea, before heading back through to find Martin's stuffy.

"Better be sober, though. Balance issues."


latino_menace March 2 2006, 01:55:29 UTC
'Not sober. I've got the night off, I'm going to get drunk off my ass. And I can't shower anyway because I have to keep the stitches dry so I guess we'll just have to do it the old-fashioned way.'

He lights a smoke while waiting for the coffee machine, then ambles down to the basement to fetch an old bottle of scotch.

'See this Random? A hundred years old. And I'm going to finish the fucking lot tonight.'

He beams, grabs a glass and then coffee, and brings the whole lot into the living room so he can flop on a couch.

'What do you want to do this evening baby? Watch a movie or something?'


underwater_owl March 2 2006, 01:59:14 UTC
"A movie would be fun. What are you on? For the pain? Will the alcohol be alright with it?"

Just checking. Good to know these sorts of things before you start.

"It's an interesting prospect. How to make you helpless, and wanting, and blind with lust without ripping stitches. Hmmm."


latino_menace March 2 2006, 02:04:15 UTC
'Vicodin. It'll be fine.'

Self-prescribed, of course. He throws back half a glass of scotch and winces at the strength.

'Wow. S'good stuff though. You want some?'

He holds up the bottle in the air for Random to take if he wants, then grins at nothing in particular. Really good mood.

'I'm sure we'll work something out. I'm usually blind with lust whenever you touch me so that won't be hard - just give it to me standing up if you like. Or I'll have you, whichever. Now come and sit with me baby. You can bring the boy if he doesn't mind alcohol fumes.'


underwater_owl March 2 2006, 02:09:39 UTC
"You have me. You know your bodies limits better than I do. And when I have you next you will scream. I promise. It'll be when we go to Bucharest."

There are plans you see.

"I don't think I'm bringing him near the alcohol fumes. You'll just have to oggle me from afar, until he's ready to crash."

He moves towards the living room, and their collection of films.

"What shall we see?"


latino_menace March 2 2006, 02:15:02 UTC
'Reeeeally?' Ramon perks up. Bucharest is suddenly sounding a hell of a lot more interesting. 'Why, what are you going to do?'

He pouts at the room in general - well OK, possibly more in Random's direction than anywhere else. 'Fumes won't touch him, I won't breath on him or anything. And hell, you can give babies alcohol if they won't sleep, it's a well known fact. Brandy though, not scotch.'

Wouldn't waste good scotch on a baby anyway.

'Something fun. Nothing heavy, I'm not in the mood.'


underwater_owl March 2 2006, 02:18:19 UTC
Moulin Rouge, it caaaaaaaaaalls you.

Random studiously says nothing, gesturing instead at the rack.

"I'll come over, then. But I'm not giving him brandy. No way. Not that silly. He doesn't get to drink till he's much, much older."


latino_menace March 2 2006, 02:20:55 UTC
It will beeee...Spectacular, Spectacular!

'Fair enough baby.' He drinks some coffee, then some scotch. Serious about getting drunk, he really wants to let off some steam.

'We need popcorn. And you need to come here and let me grope you...no no! Not grope. Hold you, that's what I meant.'

Well. Maybe. Ramon grins.


underwater_owl March 2 2006, 02:24:23 UTC
"Riiiiiiight. I'll do that, you pick a movie."

He moves off into the kitchen, staring back over his shoulder with an amused expression, also getting a coke for himself.

Something makes him think he'll need his energy.

"We'll see about the groping thing."


latino_menace March 2 2006, 02:28:20 UTC
Oh he really will. Ramon's hyper as all hell today. He's been sleeping better with Random back in bed with him, there's no pain and there's been no trouble at the bar for a couple of days. Yep. Hyper.

'Yeah, we'll see.'

Ohhhh, it's going to happen. Ramon wants to make out with him through the movie, just because. Ages since they've done that.

He examines the movies and oh look! Moulin Rouge hits the DVD player. Because it really has to be done - and anyway, they've been trying to watch it since Australia, pretty much.


underwater_owl March 2 2006, 02:35:26 UTC
Making popcorn takes a few minutes. Enough for the film to be well on its way before Random comes back in. And yes, he chokes on a sip of coke as he walks back through the door.



"Good choice."

He, Martin, the coke sit down. The popcorn he has to go back for, forestalling all questions.


latino_menace March 2 2006, 02:39:50 UTC
Ramon fidgets impatiently because OMGLOOK! GUY THAT LOOKS LIKE RANDOM INNA WIG!

'Baby? Why is there a guy that looks like you in a wig?'

He reaches for the DVD case to examine for names and looks up enquiringly when Random comes back in?

'Are you...in this movie?'



underwater_owl March 2 2006, 02:41:14 UTC
"......oh. That."





latino_menace March 2 2006, 02:45:38 UTC
Ramon Eyes him with much Eyeingness.

'Come and sit with me.' He pats the cushion between his legs encouragingly. 'And explain please.'

TV is watched again and then he declares, 'You're much better looking than that guy. Please don't ever screech and wear a wig. I couldn't cope.'


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