OOM: Home again

Jan 10, 2006 18:45

It's been a very boring two nights. And annoying too, in that while he tried to while away the time by reading or finalising things for the business in his head, his brain insisted on making him remember the last time he sat in this cell ( Read more... )

smut, oom, schmoop, haven, random

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underwater_owl January 10 2006, 19:01:07 UTC
Who wraps his arms around Ramon's waist the minute he arrives.

"Baby. You good? Whole and healthy?"

All said muffled into Ramon's shoulder. It's been an edgy two days.


latino_menace January 10 2006, 19:06:56 UTC
He sighs in relief, drops his bag off his shoulder and holds him tight.

'Mmmm. Good enough. Glad to be back.'

He hadn't really realised how much he'd missed him until now. So good to be back again.


underwater_owl January 10 2006, 19:26:58 UTC
They really are ridiculously dependant.

Random knows it.

And loves it.

"I missed you."


latino_menace January 10 2006, 20:22:09 UTC
They are. Ramon gave in and admitted it to himself a while ago. And he doesn't care either.

'Missed you too baby.'

He pulls back and kisses him deeply, then holds him close again. Really missed him.


underwater_owl January 10 2006, 20:27:04 UTC
He doesn't object to the holding.

"I am so happy you're out."

He does pull back, though.

"And I have steak, french fries and salad. And a fire lit."


latino_menace January 10 2006, 20:50:08 UTC
He's kissed again. And Ramon is grinning and everything sounds perfect.

'Thank you baby. You're so good to me.'

It's surprisingly nice to be cared for. Not just loved, looked after as well. He'd never known.

'I think I need a drink first. It'll be helpful after that.'


underwater_owl January 10 2006, 20:52:43 UTC
"Scotch? Tequila?"

They still have both.

"Beer, even. Got a bit."

He tugs him towards the living room, where the food is set out.


latino_menace January 10 2006, 20:57:33 UTC
'Scotch. I want something strong.'

Beer with dinner though. He hasn't had it in a while.

'And if I get drunk, I'm blaming you.' It's said with an affectionate grin because dinner looks gorgeous and he's starving.

'Looks great Random. And promise me again you didn't make any of it?'

He's teasing. If Random had, he'd still eat it. Just because the effort had been made.


underwater_owl January 10 2006, 21:00:23 UTC
"I promise, I didn't make a thing."

He's far too incompetant for that.

The plate is pushed into Ramon's hands.

"Here you go. I'll get a scotch."

Exit to liquor storage.


latino_menace January 10 2006, 21:12:25 UTC
He digs in, hoping Random will hurry back because even though he's hungry he'd rather look at his lover than sit and eat alone.

'You having something Random?' he calls after him.


underwater_owl January 10 2006, 21:14:55 UTC
"Plate for me in here. Just slicing my tomato."

He didn't bother getting one for Ramon.

"I'm coming."

And he is- he arrives, settling down on the seat next to him and offering him the scotch glass, one of two pinched between forefinger and thumb.


latino_menace January 10 2006, 21:19:41 UTC
's'better, thanks.' He takes the scotch and the burning down his throat is welcome.

And he relaxes finally - home, and with good food, a drink, a fire and Random. Nothing to worry about anymore. It's kind of hard to eat with a wide grin but he somehow manages it.


underwater_owl January 10 2006, 21:22:55 UTC
Random's smiling too. Can't seem to stop. It's specatcular, being together like this.

Eventually he shifts, to lean against Ramon, setting the half-empty plate on the coffee table and relaxing while the other man finishes eating.


latino_menace January 10 2006, 21:31:26 UTC
Doesn't take him long. As soon as he's had his fill, the plate is gone, scotch is thrown back and arms are round Random.

'Come sit on the sofa with me?' Just wants to be close with him at the moment.


underwater_owl January 10 2006, 21:33:51 UTC

He stands, moving towards it.

"I'm not leaving you alone for hours. Now, what do you want to do tonight? Watch a movie, then get to bed? Something, anything?"


latino_menace January 10 2006, 21:40:32 UTC
'Tonight? I want to...don't know.'

He follows, waiting for Random to sit so he can get close.

'You choose. If there's a movie you want to watch, we'll do that.'

He just wants to hold on to him really. Doesn't give a damn about anything else. Because he knows now that...that's it. The last thing out of the way. There is now not a thing in the world to stop him walking out of the door in the bar and going back to his life. And while a tiny part of him is excited by that...the rest of him just wants to ignore it and stay with Random.


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