Sep 29, 2004 16:01
Tickets to Horror Nights have been purchased. Hotel room has been reserved. All is set. Finally, plans that are sure to go through. I'm excited =o)
This week has been very awkward. Monday went okay, considering I was half asleep through everything.
Tuesday, I woke up after my second class [I apparently turned off my alarm]...realizing I had to be in a psych. experiment in less than 20 minutes I rushed over to school. 3/4 way through the experiment I realize I see people on the screen I actually know [Albie, Chi Chi, Jason, Humberto...etc etc] and I begin to laugh. Of course, I'm not going to make a rational decision if I know them personally. My back starts to hurt from being in that chair for so long so I begin to slump down and KABAM!...I hit the power switch with my foot and I turned the computer off. Great because there went my experiment. I couldn't stop laughing and left.
Today, I'm just freakin' tired. I still can't manage to get enough sleep. I thought I had 2 exams tomorrow [which I have yet to begin studying for] but then realized that only one is tomorrow [definite good thing]. So now...I am off to begin my study guide for my World Religions course. WOO HOO!! I can leave as soon as the test is over which means a nap! Oh no....scratch that...I have another experiment tomorrow...DAMN IT!!
Gotta Go...I have to notarize some bullshit here for one of these wackos!