(no subject)

Jun 24, 2005 11:05

I just got my marks for this month. Since most of you don't know about this I'll explain:

We get pro/con marks... Proficiency/Conduct marks.... they rate us on these two things every month and the big ones are the semi-annual ones (which we just got). The numbers get added into our composite score which makes our score and once our score is high enough, we'll get promoted. Well, the highest one can get is a 5.0/5.0..... I usually get a 4.6/4.5 (mostly because I do something stupid every month). The highest I've ever gotten is a 4.7/4.6 and that was when I left my military school because I got meritoriously promoted (since I was number one in my class). Well, since I've been busting my ass these last couple of months, I got a 4.8/4.8 which is really fucking good. The best part about all of this is that since it's the semi-annual one, it's the one that gets added into my composite score which means that it'll put me higher on the promotion list so I'm happy.

In other news, we had our bar-b-que the other day and it was a success. We had a horse-show tournament (my teammate and I got to the semi-finals) and we had a volleyball tournament (my team got into the finals and got second place). The steaks we made were awesome, so good.. we had hot dogs, the whole thing... there were some xbox tournaments going on too and we had a band play. It was a band that someone from our shop put together and they were awesome. The volleyball tournament was the best part  though because I've always wanted to play like beach volleyball. I've always played like on a hard surface and it sucks. Anyway, I was so into it, diving for like everything and making plays. It's made me want to join a league or just do something  with it once I get back to the states. It's a great workout too so that's always a plus. I've been staying every night at the shop playing volleyball before I go home. If you want pics of it then send me your email and I'll send you some.

I only have about two months left and then it's back to the states to start college. I can't wait to get back into the class atmosphere. I'm worried about my job once I get back to the rear though because my OIC wants me still do administration/training when we get back even though I've already expressed to him that I don't want to do it. I took over my bosses job while we was gone for like a week and proved that I could do it (better than him to some extent). I don't know, I just don't want to have the extra weight of doing admin/training and  going to school because it'll mean staying late nights at the shop and possibly missing classes, which I hate doing. I don't know, I'm sure it'll all get figured out once we get back.

We have some people leaving soon too. Their contract with the Marine Corps is about to be up so they'll be going back home or doing whatever but they won't be with us anymore which sucks but then again they've given us 4 years of their life and it's been great. I'm gonna miss them big time. I wish them the best of luck.

Their leaving got me thinking about my life once again. It's the on-going  discussion in my head as to what I'm going to do once MY contract is up. I've got plans to continue going to college but I mean about where I'm going to living. I'm pretty sure it'll be in NYC but I can't live with my parents any longer, I mean I can't be a 22 year-old guy living with my parents, that's just not right. I'll want to get my own apartment but where am I going to get a job? Will I be able to find an apartment? Where am I going to go to school? I also had plans to go to San Francisco once I finish college but how is that going to work? I'm scared and worried really... which I hate because, as I'm sure it's known, my motto has always been "It's not that serious". I just can't help but be worried.

My mom's going for surgery next month and that's got me worried too. I hope it all goes well, it's a simple procedure but you never know. I can't even think about what'll happen if my mom doesn't make it through the operation. I'll still have two years on my contract with the Marine Corps and won't be able to help my family like I would if I were back in NYC.

So many things to think about......

"Seriously, It's Not That Serious"

---- I hate change

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