Well, i can now say that i have lived through two earthquakes, lol.
The first being when i was in Peru on a mission's trip, 5-6 years ago.
And the second being yesterday morning while i was in bed still, watching Joel Osteen, which was almost over. Jon had already left for church.
The bed started to shake and i immediately knew it was an earthquake (the only reason i knew was b/c i've previously felt one. Otherwise, i don't think i would've come to that conclusion). It lasted approx. 8 seconds. But then i thought, "an earthquake??? in FLORIDA???".
I went on about my day and forgot about it until i brought it up to Jon while we were busy making homemade pizzas for dinner. He didn't believe me. He said there aren't even any fault lines under FL. (Not sure if that's true or not...)
(In his defense though, i brought it up so non-chalantly, and out of the blue...that i don't think anyone would've believed me, lol. We're standing there cutting up toppings for the pizza and i'm like, "oh yeah, i forgot to tell you, i felt an earthquake this morning." hahaha. He was like "what?! no you didn't!")
He tried to convince me that it was anything other than an earthquake. I eventually dropped it...but deep down, i still knew it was an earthquake!
I didn't think anything else about it until this morning when jon calls me from work at 9AM.
(Well, i said i did, didn't I?!?!?) hahaha.
Apparently, yesterday at 8:56am, there was a magnitude 6 earthquake out in the Gulf of Mexico.
http://earthquake.usgs.gov/eqcenter/recenteqsww/Quakes/usslav.php I went to that website, and reported that I felt it and filled out a quick questionaire. According to the site, and the info i filled out...the earthquake I felt was a 3 on the rictor scale. Which means 'weak' with no damage.
Now i get to rub it in Jon's face that i was RIGHT! haha...just kidding. I would never do that. *wink*.
I think it's kind of neat to be able to say 'i've lived through two earthquakes', LOL!
It'll make for interesting conversation starters, lol.