Dorcas, I've spoken to my boss and he's assigned you to me for the remainder of your probationary term. I'm usually the office work sort, so you'll have to forgive the regulation side of what we do. I do hope you can put up with me for three years.
[I do need to conduct some survelliance on an illegal poisons run, this weekend. You're welcome to come with me, if you wish. It's in Bristol from Friday night to Sunday morning - I have more details if you're interested. This isn't an assignment under your training, since you won't officially be starting with me until Monday, however, so don't feel obligated.]
I... Well, I was reading the paper, and found myself looking at the flat ads... I mean, it's only natural to want my own place, and I'm nearing thirty in the next few years, and, like Caradoc says, I can't depend on my brother forever.
We're practically living separately right now, anyway. Sometimes I see him at work, and at home, but we really do live quite separate lives.
Maybe I won't tell him just yet. I'll figure things out and figure out how to approach him about it, and then say something...
Italic screened to Dorcas; you can assume that Fabian mentioned this trip to Caradoc/Gid already.