And now the fun begins...

Oct 05, 2005 03:49

After months and months of being constantly reminded to create an LJ account, I have finally done so. So far I'm proud of what I've achieved tonight, and that includes the layout. Even though it's quite simple, it remains elegant and neat. :-p
Not much is going on in my life right. University has officially commenced earlier this week and I'm still in an adjustment period. I have a big chunk of coursework to work on this year and it's gonna drive me insane if I don't start studying from the very beginning - I'm sure of that. That should have been this year's resolution; one which I never keep.

Only a mad kid like me would stay up till the 4 in the morning, chatting with a mad girl like Nikki - but what do I care, I've no lectures tomorrow. *shrugs*
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